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Everything posted by Jack.308

  1. I've got her dropping on the wistle, just putting into place dropping to flush everythings coming together well now asoon as she's droopin to flush its all good, just going to get her doing some dogging in to steady her up or maybe some picking up first
  2. Any tips on training to drop to flush?
  3. Does make sense casso, but is there no other way off stopping it, ive not long had the dog i dont want to put it off
  4. I dont want her barking at all, i dont quiet understand what casso is saying
  5. My 18month old sprocker yaos when gane gets up infront of her how can i stop her? Shes fine with cold game and dummie
  6. Just brought some last week, wish you had started this thread back then
  7. Down hold them to tight mate
  8. Spade My next terrier is going to be called terrier And my lurcher called lurcher Also like the name sako
  9. My plan is to master the art of longnetting before i invest in a longlegged pug (not master just learn the art)
  10. Its 1 hell off a warren tried positioning it tactfuly but no hope
  11. Took the 2 nets out again the 25 and the 18 tried a new spot, set the nets up and got round the back of them and i took the lamp just to see if there was ranbits there flicked it on when i was in position and was 6 rabbits started walking them in and they took off 1 close the end of the nets the others 20-50yrds down i tried getting them to the nets but no luck im only working a total of 43yrds and i was working a 100 yrd fence set so i think thats what my problem was but was worth the crack may need to invest in some more netting i think Happy hunting
  12. Thanks lads took all the advice on board
  13. Haha thanks mate, realy enjoyed it tbh and carnt wait for the next time
  14. Was my first night out tonight, wind was good dry and the moon coverd by some cloud So trotted out took the 25 and the 18 got to the first drop where i know holds alot of rabbits, Was still abit to light from the moon but cracked on any way, dropped the two nets and started beating in, got to the nets and unfortunatly no rabbits. I wasnt realy expecting to catch but realy enjoyed it. As i got to my last peg of my last net when picking up i bent down to pick it up and BAM net slipped off my end peg so that'll need sorting in the morning, not a perfect night but all in all i realy enjoyed it
  15. How some people's logic work is crazy, outlaw pete fair enough mate i understand, But can people stop comenting on this thread i have my answer thats all there is to it
  16. That directed at me? Sweet. Now, clever boy; Quote the post where I said I was " proffessiomal " anything. Go on. Show the world! Re read the post sorry miss read But still i only asked a question Whys it all kicked off Your going ott over nothing
  17. No ones claming to be a proffessiomal apart from you loon
  18. You people are mad as fack, i was just asking a simple question no need to go all ott outlaw pete
  19. 1050yrds with a 22 thats some serious shot
  20. Some shots stand out more than others maybe a longshot, a quarry that gave you the run around ect, Got to be my first rabbit with a 22 still stands clear as day in my head, Anyone got some memories to share ?
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