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Everything posted by Jack.308

  1. Jack.308


    How do i bid on the auction stuff?
  2. I can buy it for 486 off eBay ()
  3. "we don't know anything about the mk1 ferret finder" says it all doesn't it. i tried to ask about how to re calibrate 2 clollars i just got to my original box, and they told me they know nothing about them, i asked if they knew of anyone who could help me and was told the best thing to do was by the mk3m. there has got to be someone on here who knows how to calibrate them or knows how to track down someone who used to work for deben, to say how long the mk1 has been around and how many people own one there seems very little knowledge on them. any help appreciated
  4. Nope she's fine with them taking no notice of them
  5. Do you treat them in anyway or just leave them?
  6. When home from taking the dog out the other day i noticed she had around a dozen puss filled spots on her inside legs, i put it down to nettles.then last week she's been out everyday around nettles and no spots, there was no spots yesterday but today she hasn't been out and she's come out in the spots again, any ideas?
  7. puke does not always contain carrot it is your stomach lining you actually see
  8. Jack.308


    I orderded nets in november and paid for them still no sign just a load of bullshit excusses
  9. I was thinking maybe theres a gap in the market for something like it was my only thoughts. Theres a hell of a lot of books on working and training dogs off all types. Theres alot of books about how to work a lurcher your basic do's and donts same with the spaniel lab ect just thought id put it out there to help alot of genuin young lads like myself who want to get into the game. I fully take on board that its somthing that needs a first hand experince to bé learnt, but also the same with the spaniel, lurchers even shooting and fishing theres alot of books out there to give a good idea of
  10. Are there any books on the market about how to dig, e.g. Starting out from choosing a dog to digging the quarry out and how to actualy dig?
  11. Will you sell 2, if so ill have them how much?
  12. Basicly i want 2 50 yrd nets for as cheap as possible what would you recomend
  13. I'm after 200yrds of sheetnetting 4z where's best to get it?
  14. As title reads any that anyone would recomend nothing to heavy
  15. Ill keep it under my hat
  16. Maybe you shot your best bag or maybe not a thing what's stands out most in your mind?
  17. What was your most memorable gun dog,they say you only have one good dog in a life time what stood out the most and why?
  18. What happens I carnt view it?
  19. What's your Most memorable stalk for what ever reason ?
  20. Where can I get a cheap sack of parsley seed from?
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