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Everything posted by Jack.308

  1. Can u buy it as a tablet, or do you have to get it from natural sources? Thanks earth
  2. If i set my dog onto rats that are been fed poison is that a bad move? Will the poison travel through the rat to my dog or will it be okay? If she does get hold a rat that is dying from poison what is the best thing to do? Any advice will help thanks
  3. I wouldnt say at the peak, but ticking over nicely. & not underground, but she wants back in Strong looking dogs bud
  4. He looks a right vicous little fuker, nice dog there mate
  5. Why are people always moaning on here its like know 1's got anything good to say
  6. Romany ive tried sending you a pm but it wont let me
  7. Does anyone on here work pure deehounds if so could you get some pics up of them working please
  8. Im no Expert but in my opinion i would leave it a week not getting her to retrive at all sounds as tough ahe has lost intrest from over working and its got her bored id keep it steady and not over do it with her just my opinion but hope it helps, atb
  9. lol oh well aslong as she dont get sick i supose its okay, she might just have to learn the hard way, as long as shes normal i dont mind aha thanks anyway
  10. I have a 3month old patterdale terrier and when i take put walking she try's to eat sheep sh** i have stopped her eating it while shes on the lead but when shes off she will pick it up and run off and eat it and runs away when i get close to her, also when she finds bird sh** she will roll in it. Why is she doing these things and any suggestions to how i stop them no so botherd about the bird sh** thing but would like to know why she does it
  11. Smart looking dogs deck one on the right looks a real good one yes mate hes coming on,a very powerfull dog to Good to hear
  12. Smart looking dogs deck one on the right looks a real good one
  13. Get some pics up of your terriers at there very best
  14. I havnt been Trapping moles for very long all and i have experinced this a few times in my opionion i would lay it down to the trap not been set correctly and the mole knowing somthings not right and back filling just my opinion hope this helps you abit. Atb.
  15. I tried google but just revolvers kept comin up
  16. Its about 5 years old never come out the woden box and dont think its going to be used either ahah thanks bud. Atb
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