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Everything posted by Jack.308

  1. Aha ill loose the boot thanks aha
  2. Just messing about with some editing
  3. Thats what i have been doing ill just keepp trying it maybe it'll twig soon thanks bud
  4. When i first had my 2gill kits they has to bowel in there hutch one for water pther for food, i recently brought a water bottle. But they havnt figured out how it works yet so i have to keep putting a bowel back in to give them water. My question is how do i get the to start using it any advice or will the penny drop soon?
  5. Does anyone know where you can buy a 222-50 off the internet? Carnt seem to find any anywhere Or im just bilnd
  6. Whats it called when there is more than three pheasants? Eg. A covie of partridge
  7. Has anyone got some measurements for a double carry box please? And also some pics of homemade ones Thanks
  8. Jack.308


    A horse walks into a bar. The barman says, "Why the long face?" The horse replies, "I came first in the Olympics and they gave the medal to the twat on my back."
  9. Does anyone have any ideas for either a peigon pasty or like a pork pie sort of thing? Also does anyone have a good recipe for a gook tasty pork pie pastery? Any help will be appriciated Thanks
  10. Guess your taking the piss
  11. Yerr i would say too, but would you say its the same animal or doe with a young? Thanks for that link bud seems a very useful page
  12. Could anyone hazerd a guess as to what these prints are? Im asuming its 2diffrent animals i was thinking fallow with young but i dont know very much about the deer world so any help would be much appriciated.
  13. hi all, i know what most of you will be thinking "A young kid asking about poaching" must be bad news right? well no i enoy reading about who the old school poacher used to keep his family alive by takin the odd peice of game for the pot, i like to read bout the bushcraft they used and the homemade traps and tatics they used to catch there game. so if anyone has any storys of poaching they did fist hand or know off post it up looking forward to some good reads atb jack
  14. Ive had my two jill kits a few days now they are two albino jills witch are sisters and when i feed them the one seems to stop the other from eating and from getting into there box, how can i stop this?
  15. Im new to the ferreting world, so could anyone give me some tips for handling ferrets and ways Of stopping them nipping
  16. Yes but its sometimes arkward when shooting ome you own
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