He is 12 or 13 , just try it Young Man but don't get caught
But breeding with a domestic coney is just going to dilute the blood line of our great coney even if he is 12 or 13 he should have the brains to work out its bad for the bloodline and will taint his future hunting whn he is older
You should read the book " in pursuit of coney"
All masd rabbit farmers bred there stock with tame rabbits to create a healthier stronger stock and the did it on a mass scale dout it would do much to the bloodline tbh as most of the rabbits around today will more than likely have tame rabbit
Does anyone on here have any knowlege on wet plucking machines for game? Im in some real shtuck and need some help asap, also does anyone one have a cheap dry plucker the looking to get shot of pay be intrested depending on price and if anyone can help me with my first question
Many thanks jack
I can get £1.50 gutted, picked up from your place, or £2.00 table ready.
Nice to know. Im just saying those are my prices im well aware of what others pay
Sorry sir i miss read the post
I can get £1.50 gutted, picked up from your place, or £2.00 table ready.
Nice to know. Im just saying those are my prices im well aware of what others pay
Im looking for a plucking machine preferably a whizbang one, but will consider others, will collect within reason, please inbox me asap if you do as kind of in a rush to get hold of one atb, jack
Ive come up with a fair few ideas just dont know what wood to use and stuff like that, i already made one but it was a faliure tbh so need to sort something out sharpish as my two gills are pritty crampted up at the mo
Has anyone got any blueprints for a fair sized hutch that would cost up to £50 to make because i carnt find any sizes of any, what types of wood and mesh ect
That adice is plasterd all over this website about giving ferrets a spot of milk off you finger yes i know they are lactose in tolerent but they love it and a spot of milk will not make them bad mo matter what anyone says it was jjust the create a bond. Im sure i slso read in plummers book
Sorry for all the questions, but i have to gills and the domant one is alot bigger and alot more powerfull( there both the same age and out of the same litter) the smaller one is lovely to handle can hold her all day and not a single nip or riggle. The bigger one is almost the opposite she seems to hate been picked up and only wants to do what she wants to asoon as shes picked up just wants to nip and riggle free, whats the reason for this am i doing somthing wrong or do people notmaly find this in a pair of gills from the same litter?