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About Jack.308

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Location
    West midlands

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  1. WANTED: earth dog View Advert Any littters about or due next few months? After some new stock, patterdale/ patterdale cross or border wanted from proven stock, going to a keeper. Good home, good life Advertiser Jack.308 Date 09/01/21 Price Category Working Terriers  
  2. Mind your buinesss dickhead all I wanted was help, so my memory isn’t as good as some
  3. Sorry for the post but I can not use the search on this site very easy! I’m sure this post has been done over and over again but.... has anyone got any fox net patterns for 6ft 7ft and 8ft gave up making nets a few years ago but need some new Fox nets so might aswell nock a few up obvisouly I’ve lost all my drawings and can’t remember for the life of me. Any info appropriated thanks ?
  4. Been fishing the Severn at Bridgnorth had some decent sized chub out. had a over night session a week ago had 12 in total barbel biggest 8lb 9
  5. After working pretty much non stop for the past couple years without any time off as such or holidays I want to treat myself in January after the Christmas rush is over and done with. What I'm hoping to do is travel to Scotland as I've never been and having been wanting to go for some time. So basically I want to spend a week or so up there just on my own (maybe take the pooch) I want the full experience stalking nothing to drastic I'm not after the throphys or anything just up in the highlands maybe just want some beautiful scenery big hills the lot. I'd also like to do some salmon or trout
  6. Had this problem very recent, after a lot of playing around I could not get enough on the axis to zero in. Turns out when I put the mounts on and tightened up they were tight on the left side and about 3mm apart on the right. After I took it off and tightend so there was equal gaps on both sides it sighted in to almost bang on just one click out, so might be worth checking imo
  7. So first trip of the ferreting season today. Took the new kits out sadly lost all my ferrets last year so all new kits. Was doing a nice little paddock full of sets done around 4 out of 10 was a little still over grown but muscled on plenty of well used holes fresh shit everywhere. On the 1 set around 10 holes I could here thumping so tried an extra ferret incase they were running the ferret about but still know avail. So my question do ferrets need education to learn to go deeper. They just don't seem to know what there doing piping in and out spent around 4 hours swapping and trying them but
  8. I personally think garlic works well with rabbit try a little but be careful won't take to much to ruin it, or maybe try some wild garlic if you can get your hands on it
  9. When asking for what was tea I was always told chums and butter daycocks. Always thought it was bread and butter but who knows
  10. Hi just wondering if there's any kits going in the west midlands or Shropshire area after 2 gills from good working stock Thanks
  11. A couple of years ago I went out with the 22 to wait for a few rabbits to shoot for the ferrets. I was a warm summers night just loosing the sun I was sat down next to a five bar gate with the rifle just resting on it in the cover of the bushes. A few young rabbits appeared just grazing about 50 yrds exactly where I was expecting them. The grass was long I was watching through the scope not realy wanting to shoot them when I noticed the grass around 100yrds behind moving. I repositioned the rifle and waited. Then from the left hedge came a young fox cub bounding across to the rabbits chasing a
  12. I was thinking either 3 or 4", what do you mean buy scrim? And also what did you use for attaching the sheeting to the net? Thanks
  13. I recon I can make a pigeon hide ive made loads of rabbit and fox nets and 100 yrd long net so want something new to test me. I'm a pigeon shooter and I've got a load of nets but fancy making my own. So my questions are what is the twine that they use it seems alot stronger than my long net twine, also where do I get green og rings? I'll keep a post uploaded of how I get on. Any help appreciated
  14. Another question where do I get coloured braided spun from?
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