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About poacher22

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    bishop auckland county durham

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  1. Hi dose any one no where i can get the brass caps for buffalo horn catty from like the ones on the pic really struggling to find them
  2. I have sum anti-climbing paint for sale i have only used a tiny bit out of it it is 5 litre Pick up only from dl14 £20 it cost me around £40 Pm me for pics
  3. I have a jack pike bushcraft knife with pouch in quite good condition the tin is scrached thow and i have a hand made one with deer antler handle in a hand made leather pouch old but does the job when sharp and nice on the eye Both £15 + p&p Wont let me upload pic so email howeshaun@googlemail.com and ill sent you pics
  4. I have an advantage timber gun bag for sale £25 pick up from bishop auckland <a href="http://s1327.photobucket.com/user/poacher22/media/77FEE051-7A38-4FEE-A769-A4549A4C9161_zpskps1qrrn.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1327.photobucket.com/albums/u675/poacher22/77FEE051-7A38-4FEE-A769-A4549A4C9161_zpskps1qrrn.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 77FEE051-7A38-4FEE-A769-A4549A4C9161_zpskps1qrrn.jpg"/></a>
  5. Pissing down hear in county durham
  6. thanks chid i was confused on the first on as well theacher must of typed it wrong
  7. Got a few questions for the mechanics (1) how do we over come the self servo in disc brakes (2) how do we describe the amount of braking force of a disc brake (3) like a shoe has a returning spring how is a pad released These are the only 3 i canot find on the net any help would be appreciated
  8. All ready give im that one and a foo foo valve lol poor lads had the lot off me lol best laff is the teacher go's along with it lol
  9. Im at collage doing motor mechanic and there is a kid well saying kid he is 26 but thick as f**k and alredy got him wi air hook, giggling pin, laughing shaft, and the usual have any of uses ever fell for any ? Only one iv ever been caught with is a durex cutter when i was working in the slaughter house
  10. I was once on the dole had no work for a few month so went to college 16 hours a week dole told me i couldnt go and better my self so had to pack it in then they tryd to send me to do maths and English to get a grade c i alredy had a B half them tits who work there dint no the head from there ars Ps they shoud be made to work the day they start jsa not after 2year
  11. I do there is sum right dirty bitchers on lol
  12. Thank you Much appreciated ?
  13. Yes but my tutor said there was a Minimum thickness for all disks (eg. He said that some Manufactures Specifications on pads are as low as 1.5mm but as a Mechanic it is law to Advise a customer to change them and it was Illegal for them to be less then 3mm)
  14. Hope they give him a bale of haye to sleep on if its Goodenough for his lass its Goodenough for him lol
  15. Im at college cg nvq motor Vehicle and have been asked to find out what the laws are on Minimum thickness ov brake disks and how much run out is aloud on a disk so if any one can tell me i would be very Grateful
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