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Everything posted by SeanMcD

  1. NO HES NOT well mines maybe a bit stronger at the front end but similar colour
  2. your saluki dog there is the double of mine
  3. I know its been a warm day but if you can,t take the heat,don,t post meaningless sh**e. if you cant understand the question maybe someone could explain it for you
  4. hares millet an icey im asking the questions morton if you dont like it dont read it
  5. I would put jacking down to the owner busting a dog an giving it to much would you breed of it an would you have faith in the pups
  6. well as long as they know what happen to the bitch
  7. hes the spittin image of whistler big c**t them boys dont knock doors ha ha
  8. what would you class as a plodder what lines have you run .youve done plenty of coursing by the look of your posts .youve seen a few salukis run which lines and where did you see em run Har har har brookie, who died and made you quiz master? I've been in this game for over 30 years(sound like whin lol) and in that time I've seen my fair share of so called world beating salukis. A plodder to me is a dog which does nothing more than get on terms with a hare and allows the hare to tow it around the field, not striking or even changing speed but plods along till it tires and makes a mistake.
  9. i never get sick of looking at her atb next season
  10. [bANNED TEXT] i've heard about this method, what would you say would be the appropreate hight to drop the said rabbit?? also would it differ from wearing sandles / trainers / rockports or rigger boots :hmm: edited to ask if using sandles, would you recommend just sandles ?? or socks and sandles? :hmm: riggers sound good....just up in the air 8 or 9 feet an take it on the volley
  11. all dogs get cut or injured dont matter if it first x or lurcher x lurcher ....the good ones that is
  12. im not saying you have one. but down the line in your dogs someone bred of first xs so they must of been good enough to breed off
  13. an if that fails try a drop kick
  14. did you get my other pm .? Interesting???...........
  15. hope he keeps his phone charged with a bit of luck kid will get his dog back
  16. ni,ni, sean you should know by ni, icey has a caravan and is always on the move, last i herd he was parked up at the windy gap!! LOL..... how do you know about the windy gap??
  17. joking aside he looks the sort would put you front door to the back of the house
  18. better chance of someone seeing the bitch on here good luck to him....tommy pm iceys address
  19. hes on gumtree looking his grandsons dog that was stolen
  20. large pair of pliers works best for me , an make sure you pick up the popped eyeballs for the ferret
  21. dont know about you boys but for me its about the hare not the dog
  22. any lurchers running on my spots an the 22 250 be coming out
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