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The Choink

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About The Choink

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  1. Thanks for the information! Like I said, it isn't a necessity that we hunt live game... I know that there may be difficulties in scheduling with open seasons and the ability to get everyone properly registered. "oscarsdad", your suggestion sounds like something that may fit the bill. I will definitely look into those companies some more and see what is available. Thanks again!!
  2. Hello... I just signed up for these forums as I am in need of some information and this seems like the best place to get it. I'm from Canada and have been a hunter all my life. I will be travelling to Brighton this August for my brother's upcoming wedding. As best man, I'm in charge of organizing two stag parties. Since my brother has moved to the UAE, our hunting time together has all but disappeared and I'd like to be able to share our passion for hunting together again. I'm interested in possibly setting up a morning/afternoon hunt/sport shoot for a number of men to participate in (all from
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