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Everything posted by brockdog

  1. ha ha ha ..gonna smell lovely that!!!
  2. richard madely at a train station ,right up his own arse f**k stick....other hand met clarissa dickson at lowther show few years back great women and loved the dog crack.
  3. i,ve stuff here that still carry shane blood ,and minshaw,good lines
  4. balls of f****n steel that guy .old health and safety guy would have a b*****d heart attack now adays
  5. elbow drop ,fast ,effective and works on all animals.
  6. theres good and bad in all litters no matter who or what they are ,and as stated some folk sicken dogs to early .to much to quick etc,i,ve done it myself with bull xes years back i sickened a young dog on charlies ,and the rest of the litter turned out great dogs.
  7. can,t beat the beddy whippet for that job mate,
  8. not a lover of the saluki xes.also keep bull x lurchers and have no love for the big heavy bull xes about.
  9. great dogs if get right stuff i have lines here that go back nearly 20 years .very game dogs.
  10. we have loads and loads of access to big rock piles that always hold foxes ,,just can,t seem to find a dog now adays to work them.we had a leggy fell terrier that could work them no problem.
  11. a little 12 inch bowed legged russell ,ugliest nasty little twat but the little twat would hunt any cover all day long and scream like a firework .had him more than 20 years ago and still haven,t seen much nowadays that could hunt like him.
  12. it was an old fashioned argument between 2 old boys and 2 old dogs 1 was deerhound x and 1 was collie x and i thought deerhound was beter than collie x for foxes simlpe..single handed. and i stand by i don,t think single handed collie criossess can do the job.
  13. lot of years ago i had a decent deerhound x greyhound.This dog hated fox,s with a passion.would kill 2 to 3 a night every week.now at the same time my hunting partner had a collie x greyhound that would only do foxes doubled up.now over the years i have had nearly all crosses for the fox job and still have,nt really came across a good single handed collie cross for the foxes.all preban of course.my question is the collie crosses are basically brilliant rabbit dogs and some have a bit of bottle or do you have to use the right collie to produce fox dogs? don,t want to start a mass slagging ma
  14. ha ha balls of steel or shit for brains!!!.........................................or both??,,lol
  15. there is,nt much reeces stuff in cumbria if any what part of cumbria mate??
  16. some people have to go out on call outs etc which is fair play and has to be done .Some peoples seasons start now and that to me is just slaughter.digging cubs ,lamping cubs etc .no sport in that .just killing next years stock.we go all winter foxing ,but only out this time of year if we have to.
  17. thought fury was boxing a lot better ,still a bit of a show boater that will get him in trouble with a decent fighter.but he new what rogan was gonna do and that was burn himself out in first few rounds.
  18. good little cross that mate.where they bred in yorkshire by any chance??
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