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11 Good

About damodogs

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I herd Ronnie drew wrote that song originally about a 7\8's greyhound LOL
  2. Haha f**k sake what is the world coming to, maybe the chap was trying to slow the rab up for his mut??
  3. Well said brigzy, they should hold the master McGrath in shelbourne this year Lol
  4. No lads its definitely a lurcher racing championship, although the way its going at the moment I'm not surprised you would think it was for full hounds,
  5. Cheers gedro, I've got a couple of collie Greg whippet pups thinking of giving them a bash next year
  6. Just a quick question, has a traditional type lurcher ever won the master McGrath?
  7. Really enjoyed this show, was well organized last year too, and i hope the SCUM who stole the greyhound pup are caught for the sake or the dog, other than that 10/10 !!
  8. heres a few pictures of my pup at 8 1/2 months hes started to click now so cant wait for next season, http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p546/damodogs/DSCF3392.jpg http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p546/damodogs/DSCF3372.jpg http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p546/damodogs/DSCF3366.jpg http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p546/damodogs/DSCF3361.jpg http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p546/damodogs/DSCF3356.jpg
  9. tried already mate, no luck, was talkin to a group of boys from cork at one of the shows durin the summer, you know them boys with the van full of russells? one of the lads told me they knew him only problem was they didnt have a contact number for him
  10. noone has a contact number for him, im in dublin see if i was in cork im sure it would be easier to find him,
  11. hows it goin lads, if theres anyone around the cork area who knows a man by the name of dennis smith it would be great if yas could let us know and if possible provide a contact number as he is a relative of mine yet we have never met and i would like to meet up with him to gain some knowledge as he has been in this game a good few years, thanks. ps im not sure but i belive he is close to or in , mahon, blackrock,
  12. haha love it buster, ragin we didnt see the meteors..
  13. hes probably on the couch huntin the remote pal, and ye to f****n right man, wuda been a good owl sight
  14. haha awh the poor owl man thought he was brown bread would of drove off and left us there if he got the chance haha ye bud bitta banter haha
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