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dee mac

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Everything posted by dee mac

  1. what fcuking difference does it make what other peoples dogs or pups bred out of him are doing you have your own now so you must be going to run them on and try them for yourself so you ll be fit to answer your own question when that time comes you fcuking half door and the reason its has annoyed me is the fact that you posted it up to try and get a few people to rant and rave about the dog which in turn blows a bit of smoke up your ass and makes you feel all proud as your now the so called owner of zulu fcuking sad me thinks !
  2. your the fooking plant pot coonboy talking in fcuking riddles you either have the dog or you dont so spit it out when you got and all the rest. as the reason you posted was to let everyone know you had the dog in the first fcuking place so why go all shy now ! and dont think your anyays special cause you ve got a few dogs of mr nuttall direct as i seen him selling them hand over fist out of the back of a van one day like he was selling f*****g ice creams anyone who had the cash got one no questions asked to be honest he was selling pups that should nt even of been of the bitch and the standa
  3. its even to big to upload on here as a pic never mind dig too only joking could nt resist you ll just have to work it in spots that suit but there will be a lot of spots were it will just be too big all the best anyways
  4. you mighten be far off there wheal dog dealers usually tell people what they want to hear
  5. ok brian sent him over to you for free then i take it
  6. what age is he have you had him from a pup ? has brian not an older dog he uses at stud called zulu ?
  7. do you own the dog or does brian ? and do you or have you dug over the dog regular
  8. coonboy ithink if the man digs over the dog he should know instead of believing what you ve seen in a pic eh !
  9. your chattiin shit stando mate that dogs zulu lol Oh, well the dog that i've dug quite alot called zulu owned by "b" must be a different one then :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: some bodys been well caught out ! there s some that know and some that really know
  10. beat me to it hard grafter some fooking dummies on this place lol
  11. That's hardcore mate well done I take it you have a few dogs then we are only using 3 jack Russell's so doing not to bad 3 dogs into 12 digs from october 4 per dog ! not bein smart mate but many a dog has had four digs in one day .
  12. few names of the scum to make people aware would be nice !
  13. was nt it mentioned that the now famous choc coat came about after a dash of spaniel was introduced be it accidental or on purpose and was nt that a so called pup from the mating in a photo of young lad with his dad with shovel over shoulder two white russells from a badger digging club and the chow d looking choc dog in background
  14. patterdale is a name that just stuck when the black dogs became popular but brian nuttall has no more right to call them patterdales than say ken gould and even before them breay and buck all men mentioned help shape the dogs of today in a big way along with many others what you call them is a personal choice i call them black dogs others call them patterdales what really matters is how they work at end of the day. tho i think the name patterdale was used to decribe terriers from that area years before the black dogs were popular and they were black and tan red etc with broken coat what ever
  15. your not looking at it the way i meant people will hire the second lad because they think he s quicker but in hindsight by time he cleans up and plasterer has straightened the walls he fired up in a hurry he s actually been less efficent than the lad that took his time and cleaned up and left the walls nice and straight in turn leaving the plasterer with less to do so making him finish that little bit quicker its the people that hire s the said brickies who decide on the standard they want ie the owners of said dogs who decide what standard they want some settle for anything that does the job
  16. not really they still have to stay till dug reguardless the standard is measure on how efficent there are at achieveing it i think ! take two brick layers ones is tidy cleans up every day after he s finished is particular about his work and takes a bit longer to get it finished than say the second lad who just bulls on gets it up but then has to spend a day or two scraping semi hard cement of the floor as he wanted to get it up and finished as quick as he could now plasterer comes along and covers over the work both men have done and it all looks the same but which lad was the better trades ma
  17. tuffty i dont think standards come into it a digging dog is just that stays till dug thats the main thing its there style of work that men discuss compare and differ over but to me and most men who measure a dog by the amount of work and time to ground it does the hard mute dog is always going to be second best to the steady mixing type that does job with mimimum of fuss but also can step up and be the hard dog when the need arises this type of dog is the proper digging dog end of no arguements but there s men who prefare the hard mute type why i dont know but each to there own
  18. yes tuffty your right and i will keep a dog as long as it stays till dug reguardless of its style but what i prefare and class as the perfect dog for me is the type that turkey and myself have described and everytime i enter one of the harder dogs i always say to myself maybe today is the day the penny drops and they settle and use there voice most days im disappointed as they just do what they do but only this morning a young second season dog who had a stiff dig in his usual style last week sang his heart out and only pushed in as break through was coming close to say i was in good form was
  19. its does surely tuffty and all you can do is breed the best you have to the best you have you could have a litter and one could be the perfect type up close sounding mixing and able to step up a gear and hold once pressure goes on then another could be hard as nails fill his mouth and take what ever comes his way its a lottery plus you could have an out an out sounder that will take no jip but when faced with fiesty quarry will be off no use and then you ll have some that will be of no use what so ever but the prob is now a days some lads would by pass the first dog and go for the mute hard as
  20. yea a fair point turkey but imo some of these mute dogs if given a bit more work would settle ! yes some never change there style of work and yes pre locator they d of been no use what so ever but i still think the dogs that were held in high esteem back then before locators are still the best type and what we all should strive to breed even tho we do have locators!hard dogs and i mean dogs that stay till dug not giving an inch and taking all that thrown at them are limited ie they ll never get the work over them that a steady sounding mixer will and there s always that thought of when they ll
  21. i think the locator shaped the terriermen of today more so than the terriers most terriers will go to ground and work weather they ve a locator or not on but how many of todays terriermen could dig to a dog in a tricky place without a locator there s the twist !
  22. yes of cousre stig they need plenty of courage but blind courage is more hassell than its worth at times yes on some days it looks impressive but on other s after a long shift to ground it ends up in weeks in sick bay which in turn winds up said terrier as its not getting worked then once fit and ready to go its back to square one with the ground rattling and another lay up ahead some never change but some do eventually learn to take a wee step back and use the brain as well as the brawn !
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