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dee mac

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Everything posted by dee mac

  1. calm down tuffty few of us have opinions and some of us can still think for ourselves it is a forum which means people can air there veiws
  2. bryan there s men been doing that unkown to the masses for years up and down the country only thing they wanted was honest dogs to do honest days work with maybe a weekends digging and few beers at each other s place through out a season and your right money dos nt come into things like that how many dogs came to ireland for a weekends digging and never made ferry home stayed in ireland and have there blood in a lot of the dogs being dug today there was a few well know dogs but just as many that had no big name just bred close among friends to get a few workers
  3. Before the internet was invented he provided a forum like this that was the sole outlet to discuss terrier and lurcher work. He kept people up to date on each and every threat to hunting especially with terriers and lurchers when no one else was interested. I've only ever met him in Vegas at the high roller tables throwing down some of his vast fortune, no not really . I can't imagine he's made much money from selling a few hundred magazines a month but i'm sure the experts on here will no better. had a giggle there picturing him kissing the dice with two blondes one on each arm , but a
  4. i dont know the man but id say terriers have done more for him than he done for them same as most terrier lads !i ve read most of his books but i dont subscribe to the earthdog running dog its the same old regurgatated stories over and over with a bit of advertising at the back you have to give him 10 out of 10 for effort but someone made a valid point in earlier post which i found a bit unsavoury myself and that was the way he ran a certain terrierman down when in few books before he shouted his name from the roof tops and said that when one of his dogs was put over his black bitch it produce
  5. take no heed maybe a good sign that she s got a brain in her head no point flogging a dead horse eh !plus seen dogs old experienced dogs that would work there fox for days but once dispatched and up on the bank quick sniff knew it was dead walked away only way to know is get the bitch out in the field
  6. could be worse lad least you still have the dam its a tough game and anybody who s serious about the terrier work will know how you feel and take it from me weather lost at work or lost to freak accident it makes no easier to take but as someone one said dust yourself off and get back at it with the dam still in your yard the glass is half full not half empty all the best in future .
  7. while your jogging read the law worked by a terrier an humanely dispatched ie a gun so even the terrier aint allowed to kill its fox unless it has job done before you break through\rescue it i think you should stick to lurchers !
  8. utter tripe spouted by an idiot go away you muppett
  9. surely by time the dog has done enough work to warrant breeding it will have at least reached the age 4 or 5 so most faults would have reared there head by then alerting the owner to its presence !
  10. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: only on thl
  11. i smell a rat going to ireland to try for foxes and your only thinking of starting up and looking opinions on what to buy jog on lad :hmm:
  12. this is the prob fargo plummers have a bad rap with digging men and its mostly well founded but there are men who try to keep them proper and do dig to them the border is going the same way but there s still lads keeping them right and are digging to them and for your info i have never dug with wirrallman or even met him but from the posts he puts up and a few pm s over the years its easy to see he no cod just as its easy to spot the messers on here ps there was a pic of a plummer bitch put up on here a while back if anyone can find link and post it up and she d be welcome in every digging lad
  13. i know he called you names bogside but women out digging jesus its the only bit of peace and quiet i get nowadays and as you well know plummers are nt to common in the digging game but its not entirely there fault it the people that got there hands on them thats the biggest prob wirrallman is as straight as they come and has alot of experience under his belt and he s one of the few that expect more from his plummers than the average plummer owner he also has had them along time and know what they are capable of in the right hands and when bred properly but when you ve people who wont breed t
  14. bogside you ll find your barking up the wrong tree mate wirrallman has been there and done most things and had the plesure of working terriers when you could test them proper he has also dug to almost every make of terrier there is and here s for the best bit he digs to his plummers and to be honest is an example to all the other so called plummer owners of what these dogs can do if there given the chance the plummer terrier is not at fault for the rep it has its the majourity of its owner who are happy to kill an odd rat and chase rossette s its them who dont want to push and test themselves
  15. Maybe he is gone to ask the dog himself,IS YOUR NAME ZULU. :laugh:
  16. waz i think mr coonboy has left the building :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  17. well foxdropper he either buys said pup or is given it if he s given it then the breeder must know him or think him genuine either way the lad gets his pup and take s the chance on it if works out then he s the man in control weather he uses his head and asks advice or storms off and does his own thing is up to him but if he has been gifted the pup and is serious about his terriers you ll find he ll ask the fella the pup came off for his opinion even tho he might not act on it as dev said earlier there a lot of considerations and senarios has making of a good post this be a change on here lol
  18. thats true bogside everybody has to start somewhere but from day one i was never afraid to ask a question or for advice there s the prob i think foxdropper is getting at ! same as some of the plummer men they kill a rat there experts lads hits on a digging dog hes an expert and off he goes 9 out of ten times it will go wrong you make your own luck and even to this day i would nt think twice about asking for advice of someone who had been in the game a long time and knew the in and outs alot better than me but you ve have to be cute as to what advice you heed and what advice you dont bogside
  19. i dont think thas what he means dev think he means if you were given or even bought the dog and it was a good one would the breeder not be the best man to approach to find out what would be best to breed it to as to have a good chance at producing some more good dogs think he s getting at some lads who hit on a good dog then go off thinking they know it all and breed it to what they think is best when infact the breeder will have a better idea as he produced the orginal dog if you get my drift
  20. totally agree as the man that knows the said terrier the best will be the man that breeds it and if he reccomends that you use an outcross from diff kennells with maybe simular blood as his might be a bit tightly bred then you know he def genuine and not kennell blind somemen keep good kennells of dogs but cant see beyond them but its a wise man that s not afraid to look and search out the best way to bring his dogs forward by using outside blood the kennell blind man even tho he has his dogs at heart will run into a dead end sooner or later in my opinion !
  21. the last sentence in this post says it all spot on foxdropper
  22. them breeders with the fancy web page and sales pitch are peddlars only interested in the coin mate if they were breeding for working ability decent lads would be asked to run them on for free if the owners were nt up to working them your trusting people lies while they rinse you dry imo
  23. the most legitimate reason would be a working dog not working its your type that end up polluting the breed of dog they take a fancy too so please for gods sake leave the black dogs alone and do what liam says and rescue something from the pound as it will do what your after no prob
  24. There you go convoy doubt you be been had and reason I got a bit cranky at yor post is because I think your a clueless prat so away there and walk your counterfeit dog lol
  25. ok what ever you say mate so you whuldent be intrested in finding out how relations to your pup are getting on ? i do be interested coonboy but i dont have to slabber all over the net to find out as i can ring the lads up and find out as i only breed when i need dogs to run on and any spare are given to decent lads that i know and trust not sold to some fcuking idiot with a few spare quid does that answer your question !
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