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Twister Starrs

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Everything posted by Twister Starrs

  1. the Gentleman that won is Ged on here , and i also think his pup Jess came first in the Lurcher puppy raceing there was s slight mix up , it was an absolutely fantastic Day cant wait for the next one xxxx Well done Fiona and everyone who helped xxx Rachel
  2. A huge Well done Fiona and all your helpers , ye,s realy pulled off a Fantastic Day , we loved every minute , Absolutley Brilliant to watch ! even the kids never complained once , I cant wait for your next one , we,l all be back up to you to support you , some cracking fotos but still trying to upload them , Well done on raiseing that large amount for those children xxxx love Rachel Paddy and all the gang that came up with us xxxx and thankyou x
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