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About s400

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. yes no problem what your email who the graham
  2. some picture's with the new s400f 177 carbine most shots were past 58 yards with aa pellets
  3. new worn once size SMALL LARGE £35 posted or colected based in bibury
  4. s400

    old photo

    great bag i would be well pleased
  5. Hi my opinion on this subject is that shooting at long ranges is fine if you have the eye to do so. I always shoot at long ranges the longest i shoot at is 75 yards with a 177 air arms s400 sub 12fp and it does the job.I heard that you only need 3fp to kill a bird.I have shoot rabbits at this range and killed them out right.you do not need a bullet rifle to have long range kills.hears a picture of the squirrel i shoot from 72 yards yesterday
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