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About Bushdodger01

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. It's all good and well that you think a new idea for a sport is funny and all, but this thread isn't the place for such discussion.
  2. Let me tell you something mate. The mongoose was introduced into over a dozen countries in the Western and Eastern Hemispgere for the sole purpose of eradicating Rats (Specifically Rattus Rattus and Rattus Norvegicus). I believe if an animal has such a great reputation as a rat catcher, I am justified in asking a question regarding this particular animal and the sport of ratting.
  3. Who owned them? What quarry was the person after? Rats? An auld boy from our village used to have one or two, he used to be in the merchant navy so I think he brought them back from India. Once they were tamed they made great pets and he kept them in the hoose, I can remember one greeting at the back door to get oot so very bright animals. I never seen them work on the rats but I think they would,ve been useful under sheds etc but maybe to big for small tight holes. The auld boy used to catch the odd adder up the hills and match them against the mongoose, that was a great laugh,
  4. Lol, taking the piss I see. Will do though. will if you ask stupid questions youll get stupid answers I fail to see how my question was stupid. It was, admittedly a bit misinformed, but I highly doubt it comes anywhere near being stupid.
  5. So basically, it depends on the Terrier and where its from. I know some people with Norfolks and they're the best hunters I've seen. Tbh, those I've seen would give a Jack Russel a run for its money, but based on the replies I've seen it isn't always so...
  6. I'm curious. I've read the revelation of a rat catcher, and he said Mongoose were as good at catching rats as a well trained dog or cat, but not as good as ferrets because they didn't go down the tight spaces as well. Since they look alike, are related and all, I'm curious. Here's a mongoose:
  7. I'm curious. I've never ferreted before, and I'm curious about the sport. So, has anyone ever done it with one from Pet store stock?
  8. I'd choose a Norfolk. They're small, swift and vicious XD.
  9. I've been viewing this forum for quite a while, and just could not resist joining. I'm not a citizen of the U.K. though.
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