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Everything posted by Gerbil415

  1. I've managed to get a permission, although it was my friend that got it but i'm allowed there aswell
  2. Got my first permission on some farmland!! :D

    1. StevoSmith


      Good on ya kid....make sure you can get 10 mill groupings at 30 yrds before you take live quarry....most important kid is keep it clean

    2. Gerbil415
  3. Thought i'd hop into this thread with a picture of what's literally outside my house! Which i hope to eventually get permission on!
  4. Yeah Smk spitfire. Not the ones i ordered because they were out of stock but glad to have any as this all took 12 days to deliver! And yes very much fun
  5. Also looks like your peg is about to snap shut on it!
  6. Just back. The pellets were ripping holes in the cans and coming out the other side! Woop, there was magpies around but i didn't trust myself enough to take them on.........yet!
  7. What if i shoot empty coke cans filled with water (for weight) with a backstop?
  8. Well we've got a old rusty bbq that i was gna place the bottles in with rabbit hutch mesh around the outside It said on the box it was already zero'd but il have a check!
  9. I agree with Richmcgin on this one! Ha
  10. So! My Smk xs208 finally came! Thanks Pellpax. And although this is my first ever air rifle and i have no idea about the specs differences it just looks so so pretty! I'm a softy for anything shiny and new and this is exactly that! I shall name him Peter! Anyway hoping to get some shooting practice on some glass bottles in the garden later! So excited! Cheers!
  11. They still tax us on the Tamar! The toll was only supposed to be to pay off the costs of building the bridge yet they're still doing it! ¬.¬
  12. I think it's ridiculous and just another way to scrounge a bit more tax income! What did we Cornish ever do wrong?!
  13. Oddly, a couple of weeks ago i actually looked like him before i had my hair cut! Ha
  14. True true! Although have you heard of the hot pasty tax soon to be brought in?
  15. Redruth is just as bad in my opinion. Another thing that's killing cornwall in general is charity shops. Yes i'm all for charity but their taking up big shops in the main street that other people could use as businesses. Also charity shops do not pay i think its taxes or rent. Therefore bringing no money into the town :/
  16. Gutted mate! But that's true friendship and love right there! I know what the police are like! Useless! My girlfriend had her house broken into in broad daylight 11am, took £10,000+ worth of items! The police came around 2 days later took some evidence and we heard nothing for atleast a week. Then they kept saying they only had 1 officer on duty and he was 30 miles away so couldn't talk. It really was a joke!
  17. That's probably a one in a lifetime thing mate! Lucky!
  18. Because i play guitar i could possibly put the gun slip in a guitar case! Ah Camborne is debatable, there's lots of old miners, farmers hard workers etc But i'd say more then half the population are no good bums and scroungers! But visual the area's surrounding camborne are amazing!
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