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Everything posted by ratface89

  1. serious old dears on dis topic georg lee sed he send crow over to gorgja the man had his bich for 3 monce got her lined paid tranfer man to bring bich back sent georg a bucket vitamen tabs calcem powder nevir asked for a penny. lota poison on dis topic
  2. yu [BANNED TEXT] craig only ting his 2 runs an kills must be very gud dats why dey not on u/tube da clip wsas sour losers who cant cope with a dog near its retirin age goin and killin 2 getin a draw. it dosnt say much for our country best dog forli winnir jaks dog a realin [BANNED TEXT] he retires der wont be many who beat him or drew so lucas has proved to many like him or nmot the dog can do the businez
  3. Officially the result Bulldozer run 3 killed two Mark run 2 killed 1 carp thats an embarassin statement mush they run 2 each kilt 1 each jack other kill was a run hair you just admited it in ur otir post jack wont count that. when the bulldozer gona win a match drew with fly in final drew with lucas now drew with a pup, todays result a draw mark give final to jack the dog needs to win lota big matches to gain respect, will they put dozer first run up were lofty said hair just to strong for him.
  4. ive seen most of de dogs named run this season the top 5 ar charlys shammy jacks bulldozer irish jon lucas, jims rosie, vic bich gud few mor denny luv bich mark luv fly d reed bich in forli jon reilly was doing well but out now injuri b finny dog jus won jon reilly stake the 3 that are bein consiisdant shammy not missing much lucas dog boyz hasnt missed last few times over jim rosie winning all matches, bulldozer v lucas i hear 3 weeks jon jeff took over keepin details real close to chest stop the crowds turnin in like oder day charly v bulldozer hada be stopped motor loads turnin in close ma
  5. This dog mus be seen mi cusin was der sunday he done 5 said he a machine not a dog threi tiday dats 8 in a week proper dog proper time af year no dummie hairs on coveney fen weir dey were tiday
  6. Dey taking Lucas on wedisday to hairs that be pruved hard to stop lasst few week bac be keen to see how he handles Dem after 5 yestirday bet tey boy is stiff tiday gorja.
  7. Jus herd Lucas v fly off fly not [bANNED TEXT] mark pull her out such a shame shock mita bein on der is this true gorja veri impreeive ti day take some doin 5 from 5 Charlie bich done 4 on Friday herd bulldozer did 3 from 4 yestirday all big guns on fire dis weekend proper time of year rabs flyin
  8. jus spoke DL dey runnin lucas on tues irish man arrivin fri we runnin the bulldozer maybi same day id be up for 4 dogs on da same land whi not tey the most known dogs in coursin game at presy time, mark gona buzz D REID see if he put a block on get tey 4 together be a proper war dat
  9. Bulldozer v charly bich then fly (forli winnir) v lucas all nxt week bring them on ya gota rise to dey occasion
  10. take yu no nowt about dogs colly\greyhund sure guarntee them pups to stash
  11. its divi like yu that ruin topics on here tey ar up to gettin it on any ting can hapen a dog injury but bita luck it will happen sickin fools like yu. Best of luck both dogs by what I hear it gona be one hell of a war
  12. tey the most talked about dogs on all da lads lips so get it on i wait f or winner
  13. jus herd today the match we all want is on for boxin day onda fen bulldozer v lucas ni thats a invite i'd pay to hav
  14. Mi lad got book al the greats having there say T howli piece good read mona bich dickinsons fordy a lot dogs yu read on here buddy P noon give gud bit on lucas dog barney top stud kiper days interstin glossy shots all famous dogs get a mention storys on days out with them valu for dosh
  15. Hope you get dog back to much of it happening now nowt been done about it
  16. MI dad seen Lucas do 4\4 on mon he says shame gorger won't enter him in forli he take them out any land. Smart looking dogs fellas wuz DAT the fens yuz on.
  17. gret cred to da 2 lads woo put dis projack togeder. Iv one booked seen both dogs run kill hair for fun. Wuz der wenn crow beet j lee to win da forley.
  18. Stik to yur bush dogs inan yu no nowt abut cursing dogs!! Yu sausage
  19. Dat be [bANNED TEXT] harv time only place yu kil a hair
  20. Get yur bes yoke put it in da forley see res dorki dorki no show
  21. Turk wuz a whizz banir no stay in her woodnt kill a strong winter hair. Seen a dvd in T gray pad of nelly boy bich a fecking piss hunten in mid summer 8 inch beast grass dem men ranting how good da dogs ar she pulls up a few times at woods bull wire. Kip said he onli slip at kick ups anoder dog on dat dvd brindl yoke getin pulled ovar da fen hair puls on it dog tail coms up cam off tink we no res yus iris always at dat take cam off [bANNED TEXT] dog in truble
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