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About Probuk

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Buncker
  • Interests
    Endurance cyling, Long distance swimming, Gym, Moleing, Shooting, Trapping, Being out in the countryside come wind rain or snow.

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  1. Id rather watch frogs dry up in the middle of the road than look at your half harted pops at folk.
  2. Oh here we go...IN COMING.!!! Yeah by the looks of it theres pleny of em aswell...is that really the best youve got Le Brac.? I wish you could do alot better...your boring.
  3. The rabbit might have been wiping its arse after getting f*-*ed over the first time.
  4. i have been reading these posts - iam shocked ? Shocked....what, like this ...........Why, this is pritty normal, this is a good day...where all being good christians today, dont you know its good friday.??
  5. WTF..?? Whats going on there, or more so...what happend there? Is that a Bear trap Well that was one unlucky rabbit..F*-*ed over twice Atb Marty
  6. Right im missing some stuff here...Right Matt..im going to unblock you, just hope someones got you on a lead today lol..no offence but your barking gets right on my nerves...if you where my dog id leave you on the M6. No offence!!
  7. I want to see it working..should be an easy task...Let put it this way..if that had done its job it wouldnt lool like that. Have you seen a wier fishing trace after its had a good tope on it.
  8. Long while ago this one moxy. I get what your saying though...remember my thread on registerd mole catchers.?? Not a single normal reply. It speaks volumes.This is a trapping and pest control section and if im right moles go in traps and pest controllers catch moles with traps. No?
  9. In my experiance these pigs are as strong as bears..ive see what they do all the time. Tearing through a wooden door or gate is easy going for them. Ripping off good gauge wier is like opening a packet of crips for them...now all ive heard tells me that the stuff your using to teather down a mole trap doesnt make much sence...but rather a waist of time...genuinly no offence here. Stop the blabbing about fishing wier and bird wier and get some pictures up.! Lets see the materials..involved to fasten to your traps and what you use to stake it down. You never know..i might learn somthing from yo
  10. Erm..No.....You dont need my nasty cheap traps Tom
  11. If it only for moles Tom..get on to the old man and tell him you need a quad and a big box to stick on the front of it...Sorted.!! When you start getting a few more moles..your going to need a big shiney trailer aswell so hes probably best buying one of them when he gets your quad..might aswell buy it all at the sametime...think big Tom..its the best way lol
  12. If it only for moles Tom..get on to the old man and tell him you need a quad and a big box to stick on the front of it...Sorted.!! When you start getting a few more moles..your going to need a big shiney trailer aswell so hes probably best buying one of them when he gets your quad..might aswell buy it all at the sametime lol.
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