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About luke316

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 02/01/1971

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  1. to 17 amp batterys neary new £20 each northumberland
  2. if its the same bloke i went to buy a dog off him i dident get it he sent me to a lad at wheatlly hill who sells them out of the yellow paper hope this helps
  3. where u 2 mate ackie08 next to newcastle upon tyne bit far mate could you post and how much ur talking about £9 each battery mate
  4. where u 2 mate ackie08 next to newcastle upon tyne
  5. iv got 2 new 1s £20 each
  6. just down the road from you theres plenty of game just got to no where to look
  7. i keep redpolls ,greenys,canarys there all started moult
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