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Everything posted by haymin

  1. haymin


    I'll never be a grandad ☹☹☹ but congratulations any way ??
  2. Congratulations Luke send my love to the wife , you no I'm thinking that it's a bit far for me this year it's a hoor Of a drive for me , it'll take me 3 weeks to get there f**k nose what to do realy tbh , I'll see if the better half wants to come with me and maybe fly down rather than bringing a dog make it as a wee holiday see nearer the time I guess ..
  3. them things are ninjas I didnt know that about golf corse rabbits my first cross bull grey does ok on the local golf course not big bags two or three the odd time i lamp it Me and hay min had permission on a golf course years ago and I will say they weren't easy put it that way yir right, miss more than you take
  4. Are you sure ?A friend of mine had them in N.I. six or seven years ago. I'm sure of nothing ?
  5. Caucasian shepherd dogs bred for hunting Russian bears go on sale in Northern Ireland for first time Roll over Beethoven, there's an even bigger dog in town?? looking for a stud dog for my bitch lol ..lovely looking animal honebee ?
  6. He's a kept man now I here ??
  7. haymin

    F**king Cats

    Yir better oot the country min, Iv got 2 here there Magic on the mice lol
  8. Think i can spot my little wanker in there somewhere lok think there all little wankers very immature just now I'm getting a bit harder with mine she's maturing slowly and she's not s tapper ??
  9. What she doesn't no wont harm her ?
  10. I'm banned from the misses taking her out with the big girls ?
  11. I had a girlfriend called simela I don't no what I metaphor ,,,, my worker just told me it and I dont get it ???
  12. just spoke to him I have to phone back in a couple of hours cheers min ?
  13. Are the spins not much the same mate ? I'll pm max hardcore see when his bone mans coming up
  14. Was speaking to a chiropractor today he said he would pick her up from the back with her legs pointing out the way with his arms under her pits and let her hang here for 5 mins slowly rocking her , I'm a bit nervous about it but that's what he would do if it was a kid what's your thoughts
  15. haymin


    Now that sounds like a proper sandwich.it rely is Magic ?
  16. haymin


    I'm into just now chicken mayo sprig onion sprinkle cheese and a fue chips on top
  17. Years ago at the local night club there was this womble he was like Herman Munster 6foot6 he used to stand on the top stairs leading down to the dance floor every day night with a pint of Coke motionless , had a few backs of speed on me at the time well he got a bag that night lol it was funny seeing him tap his hands all night getting a bit into it lol things you do when your young and stupid ??
  18. I have noticed that a lot of the windup merchants seem to be staying away. They must of got bored. Forum seems better all round.Why don't you two shut the f**k up lol? do your still living after the clootie ?
  19. that's great max on the X-ray it really diesnt look much it's just dropped a bit if it was that serious the vet would have referred her to a specialist so really when the swelling is down I'll give you a pm mate thanks very much Magic , Iv got the vet again on Monday @5 I'll keep you posted ??
  20. haymin


    Remember it's not all about what you want to do lol
  21. cheers steve in glad she's fine a pee 5 mins ago
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