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Everything posted by fredthefrog

  1. mmmmmm stella actatwat,,,lol........groundhog day

    1. albert64


      just having a few handgliders myself mate and put a rook of spare ribs in the oven

    2. fredthefrog


      cant fault ye old bean....bit of kasabian would go down well now an a big fat bhunalol

    3. fredthefrog


      time for another pint a stella me thinks lol mmmm

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  2. i do all the same as you and have seen some bad field craft and shocking lamping if my pal comes wich ever one who wonts a run with me i lamp as they are terable at it to slow at everything sliping the dog putting the lamp on going over squotad bunnys you name they do it so i lamp not saying i am perfect but a dam site better than my pals i heard you had ribs removed so ye could suck ye own tail :laugh: your lamping leaves a lot to be desired read down there yes have faith im the master ya no naf all about my lamping lol where ya been ya ant been on for agers i went out we ya last season
  3. i do all the same as you and have seen some bad field craft and shocking lamping if my pal comes wich ever one who wonts a run with me i lamp as they are terable at it to slow at everything sliping the dog putting the lamp on going over squotad bunnys you name they do it so i lamp not saying i am perfect but a dam site better than my pals i heard you had ribs removed so ye could suck ye own tail :laugh: your lamping leaves a lot to be desired read down there yes have faith im the master ya no naf all about my lamping lol where ya been ya ant been on for agers i went out we ya last season
  4. pull over a 1000 lbs ..........120 pounds collected..
  5. i do all the same as you and have seen some bad field craft and shocking lamping if my pal comes wich ever one who wonts a run with me i lamp as they are terable at it to slow at everything sliping the dog putting the lamp on going over squotad bunnys you name they do it so i lamp not saying i am perfect but a dam site better than my pals i heard you had ribs removed so ye could suck ye own tail :laugh: your lamping leaves a lot to be desired read down there yes have faith im the master
  6. im shy at first but when you get to know me ile show you some crazy shit

  7. fookin dogs on this street its like battersea just let the council try blame me again the c**ts

  8. well firstly nobody else has offered and sedcondly i dont know what she did on here but she's done nothing wrong to me and knows a lot more than i do. (which isnt hard i know) stick to this forum, get ye questions or problems up an dont take the humour to heart, better to get 20 opinions off here than 1 opinion off somebody else, take the best bits of advice from everybody an put it all together so it suits you, your dogs an the way you do things, by all means dont fook her off if she has been decent to you, that would be foolish, but dont take everything she or anybody tells you as gospe
  9. please tell me you aint crobinc ffs lol, i liked you, saying that i liked her till she went all wierd why not she looks fine milf to me an im weird anyway so fooooookit.......oh forgot im taken. oh but if i wernt the biatch would get it lol id stork the looney lol she probably love that
  10. fred please stop talking, you know as much about coursing dogs as you do time travel i know enough to realise if they did a fookin dna test merlin n eve genes wouldnt be in there mr chopper
  11. erm ye i think so.........that bitches leg looks a tad funny or is it how its stood?...the other look awesomely fit what a body sssseeeeeeexxxxxxxxyyyyyyyy,, lol..........
  12. merlin eve bloods well diluted these days mate......mainly imported saluki blood.....
  13. ye got me scratching my head at that comment?? fookin fox hound surely not but hey ho who knows if its merlin n eve He goes back to laddie the street accident who is dukes sire and he is in my pup several times so there could be anything in there yes mate i seen a pic of laddie an must admit laddie dint look bad at all but your bang on anything could be in there an could throw up at anytime . some of the money asked for pups of that breeding when they could throw anything is rediculous though an its risky business buying from such stock but i must admit some of these dogs are pretty awesom
  14. no neither do i tbh,, the ears look like there from the saluki or the beddy thats meant to be in there.....he looks a powerhouse mate all the best with him marra...........
  15. fook mixin it pal its as cheap to buy these days an less hassle loads of companys just charge ye for what you want dont have to be a set amount ye can get half a metre or what ever bit ye need obviously costs go on top but its cheap as chips to buy in rather then mix it beleive me if ye do save any dollar by time ye mixed it ye woulda wished to pay that bit extra for delivery..keep us posted how ye go an put some piccys up as ye do it all the best marra...
  16. not many had better for 500 smackers lol..
  17. ye got me scratching my head at that comment?? fookin fox hound surely not but hey ho who knows if its merlin n eve He goes back to laddie the street accident who is dukes sire and he is in my pup several times so there could be anything in there yes mate i seen a pic of laddie an must admit laddie dint look bad at all but your bang on anything could be in there an could throw up at anytime . some of the money asked for pups of that breeding when they could throw anything is rediculous though an its risky business buying from such stock but i must admit some of these dogs are pretty awesom
  18. ye got me scratching my head at that comment?? fookin fox hound surely not but hey ho who knows if its merlin n eve
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