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Everything posted by Philluk

  1. well watched this one as dark approached paced it at 220 yds, mine dont usually run far and pleased to say he dropped. but I need to stop doing this 220 yds back to where i was laying and another 200 yds to the jeep and my god did I feel every kilo as i dragged it. its alright for some who take a quad with them... no names mentioned of course..
  2. Hi Matt Burgess Hill not far from me sussex is a bit more east..
  3. know how you feel, i have a chunk of land in the middle of one of my woods that I cant shoot as its let and the guy who has the rights lets anyone who is willing to pay have a day out. it means a lot of novices and lots of deer shot because they could its not monitored. its frustrating to see when i leave a few nice ones and then am aware they have been shot in this middle bit, but there is nothing I can do. I have put in a high bid to buy the rights later in the year, I am hoping that will work but what will be left then?? Sussex is right to leave but thats what comes with experience,
  4. Morning all, interesting hearing the different replies, do we think its smaller deer I have just returned from a quick wet trip to see if I could see the lame one Im after on my earlier post and saw a nice prickett and hit him in the chest and he dropped like a sack. I remember years ago when I was in hunt service and we used to put things down if you shot a small pig it would run laying down and sometimes get up and run, it was dead but nerves kept it going. What started this post was a roe in a field that did a similar thing and from what you guys say its the smaller deer that do it mo
  5. According to that post there is NO safe backstop so no way should the shot be taken! If you think the tops of trees are a safe backstop then you need to be thinking again about how you use a rifle! Just because a wood is Private it dosn't mean people couldn't be in there. Try not to judge when you repy makes it sound a bit condescending, when I say I know the back drop is safe trust me after doing this job as long as I have i know its safe, capitals means your shouting or highlighting a point, I know the layout of the ground and whilst I have tried to explain as simple as I can the question
  6. morning all I am pleased you all confirmed it was best to leave, as I watched her the safety was off and finger was ready to squeeze, there was no danger, the background is a private wood but it drops away so the bullet would just hit the tops of trees, the tennis court was an issue, the house is half a mile away behind, but something was in my head as I dragged the other one back that I should have taken the shot, then the whats if's start, what if she is in pain, what if she walks out slowly in front of a car, what if it hangs by that leg. But then I didnt cause the injury and what made
  7. Ok just to clarify this is private land and it's a totally safe background and the field is private. The goal post is there because in the summer the owners grand kids play there, now it's rough grass.
  8. Out yesterday and went to a field that is often a good one and waited, sure enough after an hour or so we had a show, looking at the fallow grazing and bearing in mind I have to drag it (i did think I would borrow Sussex's quad)I noticed one was lame but didnt look that bad and lost which one it was I picked out the one i wanted took the shot it went down. The rest ran left handed the lame one was carrying his leg as he ran and was at the back of the herd, I watched it stop and turn and was looking and stood for sometime, I know the background is safe so there are no worries there as I watch
  9. .243 I know there is a big difference in silencers but they get better I've got the Jet z. But I've had it a while I was just thinking if there is something new fairly quiet
  10. thanks all i've never really taken much notice before, as ive never had one go more than a few yards normally they just drop i guess i must be lucky or they have moved but and ive not noticed. im in need of a quiet gun will start a new thread soon, im doing a lot of work near horses and up to 100 yds so a 240 small with a silencer or does someone know something really quiet in another range?
  11. Was in a field this afternoon watching 2 roe at about 120 yds, unfortunately one was male but I was on a horse type bank/hill thingy one of those you go over on horses its basically a lump of grass 25 ft high x 25ft wide I crept up it and saw the 2 deer, i had plenty of time and zoomed right in whilst it was grazing took the shot, it ran forward and in a tight right hand circle before dropping and didnt move. I worked out from inpact to fall it travelled about 50ft before dropping, that could make one hard to find in thicker woodland, luckily this was an open field. I hate to gralloch
  12. Going wrong very quickly ..... Cocked up today, saw them far end of a field but the field has a bank in middle so crept along the field up the bank knowing they were the other side, clean short grass didn't have anything to lose so on my belly for the last 50 yds as I got just over to the crest of the hill looked up they were grazing, went another 10 yds gun sliding in front of me as i crept, they spotted me I froze they were anxious not happy bunched up started to move, I couldn't I just watched as they started to move left they trotted away stopped to look back at me, in that area the
  13. there is some good points in your last post, and it seems you understand cockers, and he is coming on well, make sure you dont confuse a command send him off yes make him sit at distance but dont get into habit too many times to call him back, you have given a command stopped him to get attention and he is concentrating on this and to call him back too often will confuse. I saw someone once recall the dog 2 pips, and then blow stop whistle. Us humans must understand we have told him to come so come he will now you want me to stop, if he doesnt how do you teach that, because you have call
  14. you dont need a long lead, one of the differences between cockers and springer’s, is cockers use their brains a bit, have you mastered the sit command by your side? as you walk along either on or off lead when you blow the whistle make sure he sits on an instant, springers will, cockers question it, why should i sit, oh ok, I will in a minute, im ready I will sit now. walk along the road or field blow, and say sit do this loads of times and then drop the word, keep at this until you have the perfect stop by your side, the perfect stop will be as you walk your pace blow and stop walking at same
  15. very good but a couple points, when you blow the whistle try to get an instant stop its a skid stop you are looking for, those 1 or 2 steps can translate into 3 or 4, especially with cockers. when she brings the retrieve back rather than just take it touch her first that way its not all about the retrieve. apart from that very good, looks good alert and keen to please.
  16. Yep the site is good, but you will see a lot of people who charge for a day’s stalking, now this is a good thing in one way its not in another, its a good way for beginners to gain experience and say shoot their first deer under supervision which is the good side, but there is a thin line between deer management and making money and one can outweigh the other. What do I mean? you will see plenty of people advertising "days" let’s say during April, the advert says I have space for Roe Buck and 15 people apply those people are not all going to shoot deer as there are not enough, so what do you d
  17. It's not liking the site it's the guy who runs it
  18. Join this forum buddy............. http://www.thestalkingdirectory.co.uk/forum.php I wouldn't the guy that runs it is a €¥+*^%#%^ What is any better on that site than this one. There is plenty of land out there that is not shot, there is even more land that is shot , but the bloke lives in Xxxxx and goes once a year. The guy who runs that site will charge you £75 and you can shoot on land that is not his but he has bought the rights and will take you out, I hate clash of interests and I dare say this will start the ball.
  19. You are going to have to make some tough decisions. You have a hound and as a hound he has certain instincts and it sounds like they all work, you don't teach them to hunt they have been doing that for hundreds of years, you have to teach him to hunt what you want, getting another dog is like getting another car, do you want it for off road? To go fast? Look good? When you know what you want a dog to do post and advice for the right dog would come flowing in. But a young dog will learn from your current dog so if he is picking up a line and running off the new dog will follow unless your
  20. Took you 15 mins Sussex took me 4 hours. But ended up with the biggest stag fallow I've had so far, I think i started to drag it across the field and got 10 steps and thought Sod this I need help, went to land owner who had a quad, unlike some I don't have one on tap.. Struggled to lift in trailer, and struggled to lift in jeep, even after all contents removed I still struggled to hang it, will post weight tomorrow when it's in game dealer fridge.
  21. Thanks but found my old one infect I found 2 collars 2 boxes and a load of nets, in the old quad terrier box. 1 collar not working though.
  22. Funny thread this, starts with how old should my pup be to start, ends with old dogs and owners, Start a dog from an early age Owners don't stop til you drop.
  23. I have 3 books for sale Gundogs Training and Field Trials - PRA Moxon The Complete Gundog Training Manual James Douglas The Deer stalking Handbook (unwanted christmas pressy bless my nephew) all good condition £20 each posted.
  24. Was an enjoyable day, I will return the favour. Thank you Phill
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