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About Philluk

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Is the sitting to scent Rich taught or reaction you read? Mine is coming on he just stares with ears up and nose twitching
  2. This is not an argument thread im not asking for everyone to agree with me it was a simple question and any outcome would only be to encourage more use of this site like it was, ive just gone back at random to 2007 (Foxdropper you were active then) but there were many stories, on the page ive just gone to which was Dec 2007 a few reports, one on a munty, one on a roe, one on a red, all about the same time of year and fairly regularly, some good comments, it didnt have a like button then, but as i flick through there are some questions and people have replied they still do that today which is
  3. I agree with the last posts, and its typical that even this thread has stupid digs, they seem to like personal attacks and then you reply and an argument starts, if you dont have anything to add then fine you can just read and move on, but if someone takes the time to do a write up and im as guilty as anyone but i like to at least like it. Post 6 on here;- what was the point in personal attacks on someone you know nothing about - or was that i go back and argue - is that who PK was referring to. i think admin of this site need to do more, do they read these posts, admin when you read
  4. no wasnt that post i was referring to although i do remember it, i also have met some great people on here and read some great stories, but even now just come in from shooting and scrolled down facebook see whats about, some good pics of dogs, new guns, new scopes etc. I would like to see more on here but the knob brigade seem to get here first
  5. Since the rise of facebook groups have forums had their day? the fact you can hide behind a name on here gives people power of abuse, i know from my own experience on this site there are some idiots on here that are anti police and think poaching is ok. I recall a post i put about what law was broken and received many PMs over the fact i was going to report someone. Now yes there are as many idiots on facebook and still see stupid comments, but you can block them, they tend to be monitored a bit closer, and you have to use your name as apposed to an alias. I like a forum, you can lea
  6. Don't know what they like your way, but round here there some good healthy animals about with some god fat in the right places.
  7. should have txt me would have been there in 30 mins, i spent the afternoon watching cows and not the one in Isle of Wight the black things grazing round me. Oh and i got my apology from the Police
  8. Looks good, nice to hear from you back on here again.
  9. There is a part 2 to this story, was out on Friday morning just to give the dogs a run before the weekend, i had the 12g as i thought a few pigeons would be flying to keep the dogs busy and the rifle in case a fox bolted, and as i walked down the same route as i normally do and above story where it says i walked down the track and looked right and saw a doe, this time i looked left and saw the buck i had been after for a while. i thought he must have seen me or heard me as not 5 mins before i had shot at a rabbit, I say shot at, not shot. But he was laying down and munching on grass aro
  10. i have a few places that might have a need for ferrets as its close to horses, can someone near Horsham PM me. i dont want anyone miles away i know what its like traveling and it stops after a few weeks. Pm only please.
  11. Well after constant rain since Monday, and I mean constant, last night on Wednesday evening it suddenly stopped and that sun thing came out, so thought let’s have a wonder and see what’s about, I've been on the pigeons recently and seen a few Roe about so thought I would go there now the corns been cut. I arrived and walked down the track the dog was enjoying the fresh scent the rain had brought and then looking right a roe doe was enjoying the blackberries and had most of her body in the bush, I got comfy against a fence post and watched her from a range of about 120-150m she was having a gr
  12. What are your views on the open seasons for deer, too short too long?. I only ask as fallow bucks have been in nearly a month now and ive not gone at all, ive got the land and the deer but to me until its gets cooler i dont see an urgency, and each year i finish on the doe's before the date.
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