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Bluebell h

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Everything posted by Bluebell h

  1. Did any lads go to the Waterloo cup ??? That Woz run in march ! Crabbers
  2. Bluebell h

    At Last !

    Well it's finally dun got my 50th rabbit ov this season with my fhh bell.idid my back in at work last mon so I Avnet been out much but today I did [BANNED TEXT] I wanted to do.i Woz on 48 for nearly to weeks and it Woz bugging me not getting them last to .im not putting her down yet but I'm not taking her out with the ferret any more .id love to end the season of with a hare as she's at her top hunting weight 2.2.4.all the best for next season chaps .
  3. It ain't the dogs to blame [BANNED TEXT] it's the owners .this game is a lot beta of with out them type ov people.total wankers .that type ov thing makes me sick.
  4. Got a2006 partner van 2ltr hdi gud on fuel and reliable.
  5. Get rid fella ur Neva going to trust it .it will ruin ur trips out .and don't breed from it u will end up with a line ov bitters .
  6. I tried it with my mate he as a male I've got a female .they were great to start of with then all of a suden my female just nailed his male .they ad been together in garden on perches .we Woz very lucky not to av a dead bird just be ready .try and put a.lot ov game in front ov them .i put it down to bordem. Atb
  7. Yes [BANNED TEXT] they were just dropped ova a gate .they just sat there me dog wanted em but that ain't sport ova the months they soon got wise .every now en then I see silver rabbits and think I no where u came from .
  8. Defanatly there's sum bin round near me for 3 years or more .
  9. Hey toms brother .tell Tom to get on here hold his head up high .and tell them all to feck off .enjoy ya hunting .
  10. I had a munty made in to sausages .the butcher used belly pork and cranberry .they were great .
  11. Well chaps she's ate it all .and luked like she Woz enjoying it .atb
  12. Greyhound collar and a bit ov nice thin rope .dont hert [BANNED TEXT] u lose it
  13. Sorry ! Flipping iPad .should off said .got a mole today in a trap will it be ok to feed it to my hh ?
  14. Got a mole today in a trap wide it be ok to weed it my hh .?
  15. Mr e Powell ! But no one listened .country fecked now and only getting worse day by day.
  16. Hi lads I'm up to 47 rabbits now so I defo ain't putting my bird away till I get 3 more at lease .went out sat and sha hit a branch coming of a stump on the ground .it really knocked the wind out ov her .so came home gave her a massive feed up showered her with the hose pipe and left her out for the rest ov the day on her bow perch to dry . Atb
  17. I've ad garlic in since nov planted shallots today and got apache pots chatting.
  18. Proper hunting ! Isn't our country shit [BANNED TEXT] it comes to hunting ? I went to New Zealand to years ago and there's hardly any laws out there prity much hunt [BANNED TEXT] u want .that pig hunting w ith dogs is good sport and a test ov any dog .desent lads as well .
  19. Just watched that clip .im only avin my say and not crabing the dog but that rabbit Woz better than the dog and deserved to run again .allways gud to see a dog behind one tho.keep at em .atb
  20. Redneck . Cracking name . But they dint catch on ? Loads up Bradford every house as a litter.
  21. There's not many men on here who can call there dogs of deer once there dog has ad the taste ov one .keep the dog on a lead fella if ur owt where they are.
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