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Bobby Shafter

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Everything posted by Bobby Shafter

  1. If you haven't already ordered the rail & mount from Taclight I would recommend these as next best - E8ay No' 150974696540 HTH
  2. Is there a problem with them or isn't it for you ??
  3. muppets. fecking antis im not an anti im just annoyed with dog men around my permissions poaching and i was only just asking a question if its illegal to lamp with a dog. There's asking, and there's asking! & there' s scum poaching tw@ts who drive over our fields killing everything in sight with their "Running Dogs"
  4. Shame you're not after a .223 !! I have a Tikka T3 .223 Varmint full set up if you can be swayed.
  5. Just joined after viewing as a guest for a few of weeks !!
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