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Everything posted by nothernlite

  1. No bad Maria oconnel love this photo we bitch going through the big dogs legs to cut the rabbit of
  2. Loss a yard or 2 from 8sh onwards at there best from 3 to5sh
  3. Thanks they have ruined scotland and just making things worse can't understand people that hunt voting for these fools
  4. Exactly I picked my we acd bitch at 4 hours old guy said she's got a we smudge on her face that will do for me and called her smudge lol
  5. Is it true that the countryside alliance is taking the snp to court ??
  6. Cannie beat it bolting to the dogs we isa coming on a treat
  7. Be doing just as much next year Keith if not more
  8. Dont think you will change the mind of the green party full of arrogant mixed up c..ts had a good day yesterday bolting to the dogs
  9. Be getting we isa out lamping she's running the beam good no been easy with the moon past few nights but doing good
  10. You don't need to ask that I don't hold back
  11. There's people fighting it just now trying to get alot of it changed what there asking is impossible and cruel so just need to see what happens I'm no going to argue about the shooters we know the truth as I do alot of beating and heard them and people high up in your shooting organisations
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