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Everything posted by nothernlite

  1. Loving it bolting gor the dogs and a bit of mooching about
  2. Cant fault this we acd x so far
  3. Depends on mincer the one i have can do it any way half frozen is the easist shoots out the mincer messy stuff that is tripe rabbit beef and fat
  4. Hobart 32 do tripe frozen of fresh rabbits with fur still on
  5. Its all getting a bit to much hunt woman slaps horse on national tv ffs snowflake society
  6. Sorry for you ray he was a good dog for you R.I.P BRYN
  7. Some of the rabbits been getting have been huge
  8. Had a few days out and enjoying the season so far
  9. Bring her up in feb charts shes a bonnie pup
  10. Doing a bit of beating so could be possible soon lol
  11. Green tripe and beef yes to much bone in chicken and rabbit no worth the risk with the bone be better giving whole i would think.
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