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Everything posted by nothernlite

  1. My mate just got one he paid he paid 600 for his that thr price they are if you want you'd pay it I would good starting point for breeding in future looked back on message was 25 she said lovely litter pity there was only one bitch dave
  2. Messaged him said dog would make 26tts for a first coss is that no big
  3. There's about 3litters just now that I've seen all at 500 to 600 a pup
  4. Need a we rabbiting dog brambles you done well.mate
  5. Think that was bobs grandson he still has the dogs that was the dog I used
  6. Still few 1stcross litters getting bred mate just bought one lovely pup old school pity there's none about you old bobs grandson still has a couple over here used one on my bitch a year ago
  7. Got to admit the we acd thing does great going downhill and rough ground but the beddy x are hard to beat elsewhere ??
  8. 13 and still catches the odd one lol
  9. Granny daughter and granddaughter
  10. Fair play looks like you had rain
  11. Was that just in case rew set about him ???
  12. Hard to beat a grew for putting in a mix if ur after rabbit dogs but do know what your saying just depends what ur into
  13. He's all over fb with his newlook and body building photos
  14. I'm no to sure shaaak no spoke to the boy for a while it was of the same litter as Bruce must be 8 now
  15. Easy answer fix ur meters and who ever got smart meters he'll slap into youse ?
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