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Everything posted by nothernlite

  1. A message from someone that was involved in it the shooters fecked us
  2. There talking about charging them to park and banning wild camping as well unless your a transgender
  3. No belong till the fishing season ?
  4. That's what happens when you let gays and snowflakes run your country and there's people that work dogs voted for these clowns thinking they would get independence crazy and very sad
  5. They have made it so.the owner of the land gets done if you breack the law on his or her land so they are not going yto.let you use dogs on there land
  6. And rats it's happening talking about issuing a 6 month licence to allow 2 dogs to flush to a gun but not catch the rabbit ??
  7. Shooting guys wanted to ban lurchers altogether to allow gundog and field trial still to to continue
  8. Yep gets put through tomorrow
  9. British anyone with any sense has left britIan multi race society now country is done shame use to be a proud country this is what is running scotland
  10. Most of holes were on the one side Ray
  11. Done a 100mtrs of a fenceline last week longnet at each side 6 ferrets and let the dogs work the line
  12. Well done moocher ground still a bit hard here
  13. Collie greyhound must of been 1975
  14. Old dogs can still have there place on days out marking and catching hole hopers great to watch and they love it
  15. Do you really think you need to add another mix heard a few say that
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