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Everything posted by nothernlite

  1. Heres mine would think its on roids
  2. Who told him that wasn't collie joan was it
  3. Should be on you tube with the rest of them rockets
  4. Don't think so was a post up about him few years back
  5. Done well for its 1st time I'm sure she will do well in good hands
  6. That's a fine specimen of a dog jae be looking forward to the season
  7. More to these YouTube hero's that meets the eye
  8. How's that acd x shaping up taffey
  9. You will be looking forward to the season brambles a new pup to bring on best of luck with her
  10. Here's my we beddy whippet 19tts strong we dog the only thing it lacked was speed but gave me some good pups crossed with a fast grew
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