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About earlystart

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. you should try wellies,you'll find they sink less in the mud!
  2. ive heard of these points before never really had to worry about it before. It's not a massive thing if he is gun shy because he does everything else I ask of him and does what I got him for but taking him out shooting is a bonus and another dog on the ground for pushing cover through and extra exercise for him.thanks for help.
  3. Thanks, it may not have been the fireworks but its just happened at the same time. He didn't seen bothered by them at the time. My two brothers and I put our own pheasants down so we shoot on Saturdays and he's been doing so well putting them up and retrieving them be a shame to stop now but didn't want to make him nervous. Thanks again.
  4. Had my malamute X out since he has his jabs mooching about and got him retrieving pigeon rabbits etc that I shot, he's never been bothered about the noise of a gun before but since bonfire night and all the fireworks he doesn't like the bang now. He doesn't run off but I just tell he is not happy because he goes into him self. Do you think he will get over it and keep taking him shooting or should I start leaving him at home? Has anyone had a dog get over this? Thanks.
  5. malamute x 9 and a half months old. Doing well already but looking forward to the next season with him!
  6. I get two to three nights out if my 22amp depends how long I'm out and it's really light!
  7. Once he's had his jabs get he out he'll be fine be sensible and don't over do it but you'll be suprised how how they can do.
  8. good going 7 out if 13 with a seven month old pup and no nets. Your pup is doing well mate. ATB with it. Earlystart.
  9. Not great for for pulling the girls. Lol
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