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Everything posted by collyfox46

  1. i to all regarding this company have be shooting fo nearly 30 years and this is the worst mail order firm i have ever dealt with got a pigoen magnet took it out for the first time on17/3/12 to shoot pigoens got my decoying pattern set up put out the magnet looking forward to having a good day O and by the way had also to wait on the battery and charger that they never sent along with this so called magnificent pigoen magnet deal bullshit .Put out the magnet amongst the decoys connected up t the battery arms started to go round walked back to settle into the hide turned round and the arms of
  2. ordered pigoen magnet package over the phone on the 9/2/12 took credit card number the money was taken off more or less straight away on the 12/2/12 never received my order till the 5/3/12 . sent totally differant decoys instead of airpro said that they would be posted out at a later date but would give me these docoys as a good gesture also when l received my order their was no charger or battery still waiting phoned today also sent an e-mail to them replyed and said that they had posted them out l will hold my breath as it was a real effort just trying to get the equipment l received lot of
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