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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. It's worth more than money because it was given to you by you DAD. Never sell it because it's a present from you DAD, keep it and tidy it up.
  2. Thank you for the very kind offer, but i have two of those already. What i am after is a double 1" but with an adjuster in the middle section so i can make the torch beam go where i want it. Thanks again Roger
  3. Hi Guys and Gals i am after a 1" to 1" adjustable torch mount as my IR torch needs to be aligned a bit better. Thank you for any help. Roger.
  4. Let me think now ......................................................No thanks.
  5. Paulus If nobody else comes up with a finish would you think that if i sprayed a hammerite smooth finish after removing all the old stuff? Cheers Roger
  6. I have only recently been reporting my activity to the police. A friend who has very kindly allowed me onto his permission to shoot with him, he is even allowing me to go on my own for which i am eternally grateful to him . I know he is a shy and doesn't want me to blab his name around to be pestered by shooters wanting to tag along with him. But every time he goes out shooting to his permissions he reports to the police and i have started doing the same. I have a couple of questions, firstly does anybody know why i can't phone 101 (police non emergency) from my mobile phone and secondly
  7. Hi to everybody i have an Airsporter MK2 that was given to me when i was a wee laddie. Somehow the stock got broke when i was a lad but it was given to a man who said that he could repair it. But he bodged it. Anyhow now i know i can do a better repair, so i am going to rebreak it and repair better. Now the gun was given to me by a real good family friend after my dad died (i was 12). I can remember him having a gun apart in his workshop but although i can remember it Bill can't. I know i can get a kit to service it's internals but the metalwork looks like black paint. So my question is did
  8. Steve this is why a MAN invented the video camera, so us MEN could record what the other sex has agreed to. Now this could be because the woman is tipsy, or happy because you have brought her a present, or rembered her birthday the list goes on and on. Who was it that invented the "camera/phone" and why. It was some oriental MAN so us MEN would have easy access to a video rather than have to rumage for a video only to find the battery is flat. Can you see a pattern appearing here? GET IT RECORDED.
  9. You do know your in the air rifle section right?? Why would someone loose their licence for having morphine which is a painkiller, now if i had my licence taken away because i was taking anti-depressants then that would be a different.
  10. Thanks for your comment about my avator and i have to agree, my best side is a further 180 degrees round. But then you would not be able tell me from any other grey-haired old junkie . As for the rest of you thankyou for your kind remarks and coming to my defence. Secretagentmole your story did make me laugh (sorry Mrs Secretagentmole for laughing but it is funny), but with the over-hang that i have it is so well hidden that even to handle it is like a question on the Crypton Factor. It's like one of those rare flowers you hear about that only bloom every 50 years . Thank you for the h
  11. Well does anybody else want to take a swing at me. Doctor want me to reduce my morphine which is going swimmingly, NOT. Now went out tonight to try and get rid off some rabbits for one of my permissions, stepped off a path and into the field. Anybody guess what happened, yes took a tumble and my gun over my shoulder. So rather than damage my baby i did some weired arobatic swirl and landed on my shoulder jarring my back. Got up setting up my hide when feet got tangled with some thistle stalks, now can you guess what happened. You lot are too quick, yes fell again only this time straight on my
  12. At the moment i am running a 1.9 diesel Ford Galaxy which (touch wood) has never played up and is now full of car park damage, nobody ever own's up or leave me a note. When you run it at sensible driving i can get 60mpg regular, but when money is a lot healthier and also i'm healthier the Audi estate is my next purchase. At the moment my permissions do not need 4wd so i clean car would not be a problem, but would i want to take a clean tidy road car into the field?
  13. Bang on Charlie is a top top guy although he goes have a couple of short falls, the main one and perhaps the most serious one is that he is a Chelsea supporter (no hope for him) lol. No all seriousness Charlie is one of the worlds true gentlemen and i am lucky to be able to call him a FRIEND.
  14. Haha I was thinking same, lets organise a pub crawl this weekend Cracking idea lads where shall we start, Lands End or John Agroats?. I think we should start at Scotland now with this being summer, otherwise if we do the other way we might get to Scotland in winter and get snowed in and we wouldn't want that.
  15. Thank you all for your comments some more welcome than others, some of my fellow shooters need to go back to school (Steve AKA PIL for one) to brush up on their maths. I will go through this slowly, this year 2013 minus the year i was born 1957 = 28. See its easy once you grab the idea, any calculator that gives a different figure needs to be thrown away. Seriously though guys a huge thank you to one and all, some i have met and some have yet to meet but all are my friends.
  16. May i add a little note. After stripping the finish, put on a few coats of sanding sealer. By putting on a few good coats, when you spray the black onto the stock the black wont sink into the grain. Making it easier to revert back to a wood finish.
  17. Thank you guys, when you get to my age (28) you really stop counting.
  18. Total refund. Enough gun shops happy for your pound.
  19. Steve i think you have typed your comment too fast for your finger/brain coordination, it should of read "i've been digging into my own deep pockets" lol.
  20. Nice haul there buddy and its very nice to hear someone that is praising the NiteSite. Keep up the good work and give us your you-tube name.
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