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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. Nice shooting there Daz, Mr fox wont be going hungry.
  2. Guys i'm just happy they turned out not bad, well good enough for a few to want to copy.
  3. See you have stolen one already, i should have copywrote it lol. Glad you liked them.
  4. I have now managed to upload all the photos that i took over the weekend, even the ones i took after Darryl altered my cameras settings so more photos than before, so have another look. http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/w440/rogerwcrook/The%20Hunting%20Life%20Forum%20Meeting%202012/
  5. When is Darryl posting his photos because he should have some lovely ones. Come on Darryl pull finger out.
  6. Let me know asap davy so i can arrange to have my rifle sent to local shop close to venue as i will prob have to get train with wife as owning a car with 7 kids is a no no blimey steve, havent you got a telly mate!? cheers, wurz Wurz having a telly makes no difference at all. Because we all know that a man can do the deed in the time it takes for the advert break to run. Perfection you need miss none of the football lol.
  7. Really great photos Emma, about being on wrong side of Darryl in a war. By what everybody has been saying about his snoring, the other side might be getting a good nights sleep. While you with the help of Darryls snoring think that you have been shelled all night. lol Only joking. Now can you see why i sleep in my car...............................oh the peace and quiet.
  8. Here is a few photo's from The Hunting Life Forum Meet of 2012. A really great time was had by everyone that attended, some new friendships were fordged over the weekend. On a personal note i would like to thank Davy, Si, Chaz for organizing the event. The venue was perfect and the Nottinghamshire weather kind to us. . Early in the evening i was lucky enough to win a prize in the raffle, thankfully i had won early enough in the draw for the signed Chelsea shirt not to have been taken so i claimed that. I claimed the shirt not for me or my family, but for someone who i've known for about t
  9. Congratulations to "robwelsh" and his misses and i don't even know him yet.
  10. Si i've got no problem with that. I have kept the ones of you that i took when you were having the shower for private viewing lol.(big lad). I have more but "Marksman saved them to a format that i cant get to, so waiting for him to tell me how to sort it.
  11. http://s1075.photobucket.com/albums/w440/rogerwcrook/THLF%20Meet%202012/ See if you can view this?
  12. Funny enough mate thats exactly what i have just done as found a box of castors in my shed. It was quite good as the legs had holes already drilled in them, so that made it easier. Got some nice photos from the weekend just have to master how to get them on here.
  13. Just had a thought that i would pass it out for your thoughts. The next meet HFT course i use my idleback chair to save my knees and back?
  14. Well if you are not going to take the piss i aint coming then. Thats where frienships are forged amongst laughter. I might even suprise myself with my shooting, now my new "Mr Pittaway's recomendation" scope is ontop of my AA410, barn doors be affraid.
  15. Davy mate i will help as much you want and if you want to set up 3 i'll be there for you. Hopefully i might get rid of my hang-ups over shooting in front of such good shots, for me your all BRILLIANT.
  16. As possibly the oldest fart that went the weekend and as i'm rubbish at remembering names. Could i please ask that we all have a nice profile picture of your lovely face and you sign your name at bottom of postings. Please be nice to an old man.
  17. Well done to everybody that helped in any way to make this great weekend. To everybody that put lead down tube, i would like to extend my heart felt THANKS (the one that had no lead in my tube) you all made me laugh some more than other. Thanks to Anne for making my early morning coffee. Thankyou to everyone of you that offered to loan me a gun, even without shooting i learnt so much from so many of you. Next time i will have to record everything that Si say's, not because of his accent. But when he starts talking about zoom and aim point at this mag or if its a this it goes there, i swear
  18. I have a hugh plot of land that is council owned and maintained by them and when i approached them about it, rabbits doing no end of damage. People could trip or fall on their land and we could then have a claim for damages. I also pointed out that i have £10 mill insurance. None of this or these points melted the ice cold responce i got. NO not on council land. Don't know if its country wide or down to individual councils. Sorry i couldn't bring better news. ATVB Roger
  19. When i read you said something with your mother in-law had gone pear shaped. I thought that you meant your wife had gone pear shaped
  20. Salt on cucumber please in mine. ATVB Roger
  21. Daz as you were turning up Friday afternoon perhaps when i get up there, also in the afternoon sometime. I thought you and i could sit and watch your arch rival tireing his arms and shoulders out a little bit. Every little bit helps.
  22. Are you both serious when you say shoot a target at 75 mtrs!!!!!!!!!! I have enough trouble walking 75 mtrs. I can see its going to be a dual to the death between you two. ATVB see you on Friday (send me post code please) Roger
  23. Promise not to hit me next weekend Tony. ATVB Roger
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