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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. Just a thought, has any member got or can get a decible meter? If we can get one the weekend of the meet. Perhaps with all the different types that our members have, we could have a try to see which sound moderator suited each of our guns. OK dont shoot me down, it was only a thought.
  2. Who would of known that Davy was hiding this underneath his cloths. Goes to show, be careful on who you pick a fight with, although with all of Davy's training i doubt if you could wind him up enough to loose his temper. Peace Davy.
  3. Nice write-up sounds like you have some nice land to shoot over also some nice friends. Happy hunting.
  4. I read with interest about having your gun "Stage 2 tuned", when you get it back Si any chance of getting an idea of what was done? It is the engineer in me (no rude comments here Wurz), is what gets modified found out through trial and error and years of experience or is it a recognized proccedure.
  5. If you look at the three of them, Si Davy and Chaz you will see where it all goes. Into Davy's belly, sorry Davy couldn't resist it mate.
  6. Well Guys and Gals i thought i would let you all know how im settling in with the new scope. The new scope (the Hawke Panorama 4-12x50) is really great with lovely clear optics. Went out last night with the IdleBack Chair which Chaz gave me (for the signed Chelsea shirt that i gave him), set-up with car driven into the field as far as i dare then set-up chair/gun facing into wood. I had enough light to set-up NiteSite, boy oh boy if the cross hairs are faint during daylight at night they just become lines which i can't see mil-dots. Even so once it became dark the rabbits came out, i was w
  7. Great write-up and as we have come to expect from you, cracking shooting big guy.
  8. Nice job there Ste next time double figures?
  9. Nice write-up, memories of going out all day left to make our own entertainment. No silly E.U. rule telling us that we can't do this and that, i feel sorry for kids now and in the future because they cant think for themselves, they can't problem solve.
  10. Is that what you used to smoke Malc's arse the other weekend? lol
  11. When was it taken and more to the point, where was i?
  12. Ryan although we have yet to meet perhaps one day we shall. As the others have said in all walks of life you meet wankers, it is up to us to ignore them. After all said and done its only words from the mouths of idiots. Looking at your status you obviously had something to say and add to this site at least 558 times, so please don't go.
  13. Davy, if you want company and someone to hold a camera/gun. You can always call on me pal.
  14. Daz i'm in training for next years meeting. I'm going after all the trophies, even the ladies lol.
  15. Guys i would just like to give some of you the "Heads up" over a new scope choice. I was shooting a Hawke Eclipse 3-9x50 scope, well it was on top of the gun and the guy said that it was zeroed at 35 mtr/yards (the chap wasn't sure). Well it did me very well at the begining, but i soon felt the need for a new one. Why what was wrong with it you may ask and to be truthful my answer holds no water, but i knew that the gun (Air Arms 410) would relish a finer scope. If, no when any of you that had been on the look out for a new scope, you know how daunting it is. Do i stick with the maker that
  16. Nice shooting Daz, i am also a RWS Superfield convert as my AA410 loves them. Even with my shakes and twitches i managed a 15 shot group that shot the middle out of target, as Si says its proving nothing to shoot more. What i would says is that in that very small test i had no flyers and loading them into the magazine there was not one that was damaged. The way you are going Daz there will be a shortage of maggies in Manchester.
  17. Here is some photo's of my permission. Chaz buddy, i would like to report that the seat is comfortable for a couple of hours. It had its first outing today to my main permission, i have given you a link to show what i'm up against. I carried it to over half way into the wood to the tall birch trees that is where the crows and the like come normally to shout and make a serious noise. But after three hours sat under them i returned home to report that i didn't see any birds, squirrels or a rabbit. I think what must of put them off was me going round and round calling out WEEeeeeeeeeeeeee. ht
  18. Have you got a silencer fitted because perhaps the pellets are catching that on its travels?
  19. No rats for me Daz, i hate the little blighters. How ever many i shoot that means less to breed.
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