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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. Got to be the silliest of questions, anybody knows you can never have enough knives lol. If you find yourself with too many just send them my way, always give them a knife a good home.
  2. Scott i read your title and wondered what our cat had done wrong this time but soon realised that he didn't need a alibi. Have yourself a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and see you at one of next years meets. ATVB Roger
  3. I have the Panorama and i can't fault it, glass is beautiful and clear and it works with ChairGun easily. ATVB Roger ps Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
  4. Got to be more than the two, so keep at it.
  5. We will never recognize you the way you are going, or is that what you want?
  6. Going soft with age, never thought i would see you own a pcp. Shooting somebody elses pcp is one thing but buying your own is just ceazy.
  7. I'll have the top one if you are giving them away Aaron.
  8. Nice one Reaper as you say could do with tidying up a bit, but it works. Evan the biggest companies have research and tests before they release a model, but even then they tweek their designs. I had a NS50 before going for a home build. The NS was ok but i couldn't get used to looking at the sceen at the fixed position that they chose. Unlike you Reaper i haven't got the skill to build my own, so after looking at lots on YouTube i chose to go for a system made by EVOHuntsman. His system is very simular to yours, he has put the camera into a tube and shortened the wiring but he uses a screen l
  9. Smecky i have got the Panorama scope and used to have the NS50 and it was lethal combination. ALVB Roger
  10. Come back Simon aka Zini bigmac 97kt jjm Scott Ruthless Teale aka Scott gosling1960 Valboskie porkycrook aka Roger
  11. Skot you need to get a life and a hobby mate or even a girlfriend. ;)
  12. Nice one Buster, i guess you recon you were right when you said that it was "too far". Although I would of liked a hard copy so i could of kept in my scrapbook. But being serious now, its nice to see other shooters enjoyable the sport. ATVB Roger
  13. I already had big tits and huge arse so if we ever got to go to a HLF meet we could each other warm in the sleeping bag. Seriously now so glad your getting better and feel well enough to get out and about, just hope that the operation wasn't for anything serious. Warmest regards Roger
  14. Nice to read that you are "up and at 'um" mate after the op . So was this your first operation in the cross gender changes ? I hope you are happy with the out-come, its the one where they cut the old tadger and restyle a pair of lips out of them that would do me in i'm affraid. Although you could say part way through the procedures that you had such a big tool that you could even put your own lips around it . Only joking mate it's really nice to hear that your getting up and around, i just hope that when i get to have my operation that i'm up and about as quick.
  15. The "family" has come together at time of need. As for insurance companies the b*****ds are quick enough in saying what you want to hear when they are trying to get your signature, but when you want to make a claim they now say "oh no thats not covered". It's not covered under your policy because it was at night time. Or "sorry thats not covered" because the van was broken in on a night when the moon was full, b*****ds. If you need anything (night vision) mine is yours if you want it, as is anything else you want. You are welcome to have my wife, she could done your housework or clean your van
  16. Well done they didn't take my complaint serious. They will be back under a different name so we must keep an eye open.
  17. Was this scope brought from e-bay by any chance, if so i was probably bidding on it myself. Wonder how many times this happens, not me and you but one member bidding against another.
  18. Nigel i have three of those batteries, you are more than welcome to borrow one till yours arrive.
  19. Dan the stripping of the stock you will need Nitromors, put this on as the tin says. You will then need to neutralize the acid with water, this will do a couple of things first neutralize the acid and it will also raise then grain of the wood. You will need to decide on what colour you want the stock to be. Although the wood is beech you can stain it what ever colour you want. Well before you decide on a colour you will have to do use sandpaper to knock back the grain, then you have to seal the stock you have to do this so that the stain will take evenly. Now stain and then oil the more you oi
  20. Who pissed Si off that much that he felt he had to leave. I know he has a lot of members that are jealous of him, so if he has been run out of Dodge because of them i hope you are happy.
  21. I have reported this site and Facebook will not delete as not against the rules.
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