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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. Really fantastic shooting buddy, if you can shoot like this every time my money will stay in my pocket at the next meet if you are attending because you have the better of me. Again really good shooting and its nice to know that i'm not the only fine weather shooter. ATVB Roger
  2. Si its so good of you to do and then upload your video's during the night, it gives us who can't sleep something new to watch. I'm so glad that i bought the NS50 when i did. Cheers Roge
  3. You piss takers, it's a good job i can laugh. I can see that both Darryl's and Tony's ideas are very good and in truth both have some good points. I am drawn to Tony's choice because i will have coverage from the rain. But then i get drawn to Darryl's choice because i think that the tracking on his vehicle seems able to get in more places than Tony's and it also has a more padded seat. So i think the fairest thing to do is if i can have each for a months testing. Love all of you guys, i regret not meeting you all earlier in my life. Roger
  4. Cheers Tony my friend. Cheers Roger
  5. Hiya all, Wondering if anyone has the answer. Over the last two weeks one of my permissions (it's only a garden), i have shot magpie's, crows and pigeons. After me explaining that there was only one problem that there was only one place i could shoot, that being useing the shed to stop my pellets from leaving her property. She wanted all of the big bully birds "shoooing off" because she likes to sit in the conservatory watching the little birds. How lucky am i because the lady said that her bedroom was at the front of the house. So she went on to explain that she takes in lodgers during th
  6. Ow Sir what a nice pair you have there.
  7. Confused matey is this aimed in my direction and what did i do? Old age. ATVB Roger
  8. I can't wait until my lottery ticket comes up trumps for me, then i can out buy Darryl lol. For the next "meet" i can see Darryl arriving in either a Group4 van, or a Winnibago motorhome bigger than Daz7 came in last meet. Respect Roger
  9. Cracking informative intellectual intelligent piece thank you Simon. Might make me either bring my BSA Airsporter MK2 next time or save to buy another gun aswell. The man writes aswell as he paints. Respect Roger
  10. Stunning yet again. As for the last guy not going there in the last year, that is terrible and ends up giving our sport/hobby a bad reputation. Come on guys if you have no intention of shooting a certain permission, why waste the landowner/green keepers time. Leave it to the people who intend to live up to their agreement. Respect Roger
  11. I have no idea who this is aimed at, but why would you want to shoot something at a range that makes the "Kill area" smaller than it needs to be. Just to prove that you are a better aim than someone else, or is it that in your eyes an injured rat is acceptable?. If you see the person or persons (the people who your remark was aimed at) posting say rabbit shooting at say 50 metres, would you like someone else to have a go at shooting rabbits at say 75 metres. It might offend some people but i will do and always will try to take a shot at distance that i feel comfortable of a kill. If this spor
  12. A magpie hates strangers in their area, so if you can shoot one and bring in then wait. Failing that a magpie decoy or anything dead they will come to. ATVB Roger
  13. Just another one to add to the list. Last night i was sat at my computer desk as if i want any denatured alcohol, then the supplier needs a copy of my permission letter from H.M. Government Customs. So there was i, i had put the letter into my scanner. Well the glare from the reflection meant that i could not see what was on the screen. This is where it all went wrong, for i reached the printer/scanner and went to pull the unit around abit so that i could see what was on the screen. As i went to do this something in my shoulder went pop with quiet a bit of pain. Now it hurts so much as
  14. Ditto to what everybody has already said Si. Can't wait till you leave the army, then there will be no reason why you can't video full time lol. Roger
  15. Cracking shooting mate again. I'm just being friendly when i offer my service to you, with all of your guns that you own. If you find that any of your guns are being neglected. I am prepared to help you out and shoot some lead through them for you. pmsl. Lovely gun, what moreshould we expect from you. Respect Roger
  16. Well then clever clogs do tell this thicko how? At times i struggle just operating a keyboard. I am of an age when a keyboard meant somewhere that keys were hng-up. Cheers Roger
  17. I think i can speak for lots of others when i say that "we are fully behind you and what you post".Is there anything that we can do too turn it around on them, has "YouTube" got facility that you can ban knobheads from viewing your videos?. Your videos show everyday life where as man (thats you) hunts, not only do you videos show vermin control but they also show killing for food. There are plenty of other sites that show idiots with guns, showing a centre fire rifle users shooting rabbits. Where the shooter is either shooting rabbits with over power bullets or at ranges that makes their w
  18. Si is there anywhere to give the NiteSite a good test outside the yard? Really like to have a crack at some rabbits. Regards Rog
  19. James i know its a long way for you to travel, but they are a cracking affair. ATVB Roger
  20. Si buddy dear dear. I video'd the weekend and thought you were going to do a voiceover over my recordings. You can hear me talking in the background like a country bumpkin, if i had known you were going to leave my voice on the video i would have put my posh voice on. Then i would of sounded more like Sir Richard Attingborough rather than a person that was related to someone that was seen i Deliverence (sqeel like a pig). Another thing is i can't remember signing a disclaimer for you to use my voice. lol Just glad you could use some of it Respect Roger
  21. Dave if you make it to the Jan meet i will try and remember to bring mine for you to try. Roger
  22. Cracking again Si so glad i listened to you and bought the NS50. Can't wait to see you on the rats. Regards Roger
  23. Well i'm now a bit worried with the talk about Mayan and Druid calanders. So the questions are if the Mayans are right in their beliefs do i not bother with Christmas presents and what do i do about my letter to Santa. Do i write one, do i buy presents? Well then so what happens if the Mayans are wrong and we are still here on the 22nd. Then that leaves me with 3 days to do the Christmas shopping. It might mean that i get some last minute bargins, but what about the turkey, we might have to have multiple small ones. Oh all this worry is giving me a headache, so i think i might aswell j
  24. No problem from me over who the funds go too, just wish that a group of people nearer to you Si that would appreciate it. What about making a few phone calls, then perhaps get the local paper interested. Then the profile of yours and Davys will be brought to the fore front, then that may lead to more doors being opened for you. ATVB Roger.
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