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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. You are begining to swing my way lol. Roger
  2. May i take this occasion to give my heart felt apology to the following people (in no perticular order). Pil, Mawders, Moxy, Buster and Archie Hood and anybody else that i have overlooked. You have a better nose for villans than i, i am so thankful you are looking out for us idiots. Thank you Roger
  3. I think both Simon (Pianoman) and i were brought to give people the benifite of the doubt and on this occasion it backfired. But with our private schooling that we both had we will probably do the same next time because thats what the head "mistress" taught us, not until several beatings with her whip lol.
  4. I'm still sore from the last one. LOL Mike Roger
  5. Mac go and have a look at the 22 pellet challenge all will become clear. Regards Roger
  6. Could we get away with "Hung, drawn and quartered"?. Change that what about having a "pig roast" round at Milegajo's ? My mouth is watering now. Regards Roger
  7. Certainly not SIMPLE Simon. Very nice Simon that gave somebody the benifit of the doubt, but we all learn.
  8. I'm now confused for after last weeks post on if Kill Zone was a "Graham" or not? He seemed to be doing ok, but i now see that he has been banned. Can one of our leaders let us into what is the state of play now, is he or isn't he? Cheers Roger
  9. Roger you shall have as much as you like with pleasure dear friend. Best wishes mate. Simon Many Thanks Simon
  10. I know it's very rude of me Pianoman (Simon) but i would love to have a wee dram of that malt of yours, just to taste you understand just to taste. ATVB Roger
  11. Kill zone may i give you a little heads-up, if i was you i would never go head to head with Pianoman (Simon) either with the gun or drinking around. He (Simon aka Pianoman) becomes as one with his springer when he shoots, for it is as though he knows exactly how the gun wants to be held/stroked. And as for drinking around the bonfire, he has some cracking tales but when it gets to drinking he has hollow legs. Then we get to the Sunday morning of the competition, so while you are struggling with a thick head and trying to keep your fried breakfast down, he carries on as though everything is nor
  12. As Mawders said nice shooting. Having that fine a set-up has taken time and effort, but it still has to have somebody with skill to aim and pull the trigger. Now perhaps all the people that were giving you grief last week should start eating humble pie. I for one hope to see, meet and greet you at what ever meet you can get too. ATVB Roger p.s. The wife thought i was mad when i turned the lap top upside down, so PLEASE sort it out before the next posting.
  13. Another vote for the Hawke Panorama, simply beautiful glass. Also when used along with the Hawke ChairGun software, you end up with a gun/scope package that is understandable and accurate. If you can stretch financies you could go up to the 50mm, if i remember rightly i paid about £180ish. ATVB in your choice. Roger
  14. Firstly i would like to say in a manly way i love (no cancel that) like the new photo of Si in the titles you look so relaxed. Secondly is it just me or does anybody else think that it looks like Rob and Davy are twins,lol. Sorry Davy or i suppose i should opologise to Rob more, it can't be nice thinking that you might be related to Davy. Rob i must say that you are turning out some really nice work from your man cave. Although i would of thought you would of had it insulated so you can keep warm in winter and all the steelwork doesn't rust. Thats me just being "old mother hen" or another way
  15. All the best, it will be an impressive bit of shooting. ATVB Roger
  16. Blinking heck buddy can't see family, ferrets or dogs going hungry if kills like this continue. As already said by numerous nice to see the young 'uns involved. Best Regards Roger
  17. If i am to be honest with you guys, i think the slide show may be playing into the "anti's" hands. By all means show the result of the evenings shoot, but do you think that showing them in zooming close-ups is achieving anything? Sorry but i have to say it as i see it. Roger
  18. Now this is how a topic and posting should go, some friendly banter between friends. This is so much better than what happened the other day on here, people know who they were so i am not going into it any deeper. What we see here are some people who respect each other, for their shooting abilities, for life values and friendship. Watching this type of topic grow with each post into a really nice read. For me being a newbie on here still it has been my pleasure to have watched Simon (pianoman) shoot at one meet, Si, Davy, Adam, Darryl and Daz on at least two meets. For me the two thing
  19. Kill Z one, i for one have no problem with you or where you live (although it;s not as though it was beautiful Oxford is it lol) or your shooting. I have come to know with age that you are not going to get along with some folk for one reason or another but i always wait until meeting face to face. And even then there will be the odd one that you can't take too and then that can be, they swear too much, they are too loud. For what ever the reason there is still the one or two that you just can't take too. I reserve judgement always until i have first hand knowledge of the person before I desid
  20. Can anybody tell me the date that Britain started "trick or treating", because when i was growing up (yes i know it was a long time ago before anybody starts) we had penny for the guy, the Americans used to have trick or treat. Roger
  21. I admire anybody who has the talent and or good luck to be able to achieve this type of shot. I for one have neither the talent or the time spent to get that good, but i enjoy this hobby/sport of mine to my limit. With all this chest beating that is going on over i shot this amount and from this distance, the thing that we all need to remember is making sure the animal suffers as little as is possible. Roger
  22. Better to not take chances with a shot placement on live quarry. Rather get closer or leave the "chances" to paper targets. Roger
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