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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. Top class shooting there mate.
  2. Come on the Chaz you know you always have a mate in me and you can always use my shoulder to cry on.
  3. Bollox can everybody slow down because every time i go to write someone pops up and writes something else. So can i please have the hour between 3 and 4 pm to add my comments.
  4. My biggest regret is never signing up even though i went through 4 years as an army cadet i started to get a feel for it. But having lost my father when i was 12, that left mum, four sisters and me the only man. So as i was having to do all the manly things about the house and garden, i couldn't do that to mum. But if they were ever in need for a 54 year old overweight knackered man, i would sign up at the drop of my walking stick. I believe that everybody could and should do something to help them. God bless everyone of them male, female, army, navy or Raf.
  5. Everybody todays seems to record their shoots, then edit them. Well with the technology as it is now you have the chance to remove all of the missed shots and to make a nice frilly video, but he has left the missed shots in. It has happened to everyone of us that has shot at quarry, unexplained. We check our ammunition, pressure in the gun. We could go on checking everything, but we will have the occasional miss. Sorry but its part of shooting.
  6. Davy Davy Davy Davy i think i have guessed to what you were eluding to...................................................... It's a side by side air-rifle. One barrel is a .177 and the other is a .22. Both barrels share a scope and you have to remember what the hold over/under points are for each barrel, is it is it?
  7. I ask a question not so much for my information because i catch rats be hand, then i have a talk with them and ask them if they would stop showing during daytime. They give me their word then i let them go, with a packed lunch. Normally about every 4 years or so the men in pin striped suits canvas for our votes. Now i listen to what they have planned for my country, are they pro UK, are they for protecting my hobby/sport or even my job. Then and only then do i decide who gets my vote. But i can imagine some members of this forum give their vote to the cute one, or the one with nice eyes becau
  8. It's nice to hear from upt norf division, Darryl it's always nice to know your out enjoying yourself, but sorry Darryl. But it's even better news to know that Gary is back in the saddle and he hasn't lost his killer touch. Nice to hear your back on the up Gary, long may it continue.
  9. Now come on boys play nicely the two of you or you will be sent to bed with no tea.
  10. Bloody hell Chaz the peacekeeper who would of thought that. Proper grown-up.
  11. It appears that my question has been taken the wrong way. I am no different too a lot of shooters, being happy to go out shooting on my own. i too am not perfect and even after trying my best i fail to kill my quarry straightaway, yes i know that i shoot with air rifle and my quarry i not "as though its a deer" but i do believe that whatever i hunt needs to be trated with dignity. I don't record my shoots for the world to see, there may be a time where something different happened and in that case i may feel that i want to write about it. If i do then its because i found the event enjoyable o
  12. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Makes me wonder what you were looking at to find such a funny video. :laugh: Perhaps thats how you and Davy say cheerio to each other. There goes the meanest turret twizzler in the whole of Swindon, God speed Davy. :cray:
  13. Bloody hell Mike are you watching every conceivable sale/room? All joking aside without you giving up your time trying to find out these ar&%holes, a lot more people would have lighter wallets and or purse's. Although i am in no state financially to be spending at the moment, i am just very very grateful that you are around.
  14. If you fill to 190, then with a chronograph fire shots over, record all the readings. Then you will see the guns "sweet spot" where the output is at its flattest, that is what pressure you need to fill too. By reording your readings you will see to what pressure you need to fill to and you will also see how many shots that you have in the guns "sweetspot".
  15. dondon000 you worry too much all of those readings are fine and you have nothing to worry over, infact they are a nice set of figures. Why would you think you would need to send your gun back? My advise is for you to go out and enjoy your beautiful purchase and to use if for what you bought it for (hunting or targets), ENJOY, have fun and stay safe.
  16. Richard just a line to say that the rifle sling arrived today. So any member that wants a beautiful, simple(not to make), stylish gun-sling then my recommendation is to look at Leaky5's paracord creations. It is one of those things that looking from outside looks like "something i could make" but believe me i can't. Cheers Richard.
  17. I second that.. I use a lamp with red filter and 9 times out of 10 the rats on the move seconds after putting the light on it...if i have to I take the moving target I aim between the head and chest. If it stays still I go for the eye or between the eyes as there lit up and easy to see. I shot 15 this evening and less than half of them stayed still long enough for me to deside where I was going to stick the pellet, 177 using Bisly Magnums...However there brown bread now..just the way i like them. Marty So it appears that not every member of this forum are either not getting grief over
  18. Happy Birthday Si i hope you have a good one mate.
  19. Carry on like this Darryl and NATO will be listing you as a superpower with all of the weapons you are amassing. You will be getting some aid from us soon. lol
  20. I always go for head shots if possible on any quarry but i never film myself. I asked the question because as i said watching videos and noticed that a lot of shots not hitting brain but the rat just stopped (no punn) dead. I know that some members are recieving a lot of grief over their videos, some from fellow members and as most who post videos the anti's. So i was asking the question, i know it's not ideal not to kill our quarry as quick as possible but if a spine shot gives the appearence of a clean kill then would that not be the shot to take?
  21. I have a question for the forum and it is. Well after watching lots and lots of rat shooting (one of my few pleasures), i have noticed that a lot of the brain shot rats jump and bounce around like crazy. But a lot of shots that have been placed behind the head cutting the spine the rats dies with less movement. Although the rat may well take longer to die, they die with a lot less jumping about. So what are your thoughts on it, head or spine? Thankyou for taking time to read. Roger
  22. That goes to show why, having to go through all that we do to get a licence is a good thing.
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