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Everything posted by porkycrook

  1. Nitromors and hardwork to take off finish. I used a brass wire brush (which is softer than normal wire brush) to clean out the chequring of finish.
  2. Well Scott the first thing that will need to be done is to rub down the stock to at minimum 320 grit all over. Then you need to go all over the stock with a sanding sealer, you have a choice either a spirit, acrylic or shellac. But really you would only go for either the spirit or acrylic, spirit is cellulose based and acrylic is water based. Whichever you choose the procedure is the same. After sanding you then go all over with the sanding sealer, wait for it to dry. This will raise the grain so sand again with the grade of sandpaper as you finished with the first time round. The idea behin
  3. I have the same sort of requirments as you and i chose the NiteSite NS50 and i am more than happy with it. There are other makers of night vision, you have just missed the shooting show where you could of looked over all of your options.
  4. Don't suppose they are tilters if the are i'll have one please.
  5. Stevie have you started stripping it already? Let me know how far you have got and i can guide you from there.
  6. I use a normal sized camera tripod when static rat shooting, i have put a treaded insert in the underside of my AA410. I did mine because with me suffering with a bad back i find holding the gun up for to long too painful. I purchased an insert from E-Bay then marked and drilled my stock before tapping a thread for the insert, the insert was Araldite'd in. So i can now sit and shoot rats, rabbits or even pigeon and squirel off a rock steady base. So go for it mate.
  7. Lewis i think they may of lifted the ban because i asked the question to a company and they said they could send to the UK. So i have either just purchased another battery or i have been swindled. Let you know which mate.
  8. They are not giving away glare filters anymore, They are charging a fortune for them too! My local window tinting company gave me a load of the film free! Mr Mole i contacted a window company and got samples of about 12" square, so enough to do mine several times over.
  9. So let me get this clear. So you buy a NiteSite unit and it comes with a house brick, they then say that you can now buy a lightweight battery from them for a nice cheap (haha) price of £. So are NiteSite willing to buy the housebrick back from their customers, me think not. So explain to me why i would want to buy their lightweight battery choice instead of going onto E-Bay and for the £ that they want and buying 4 lightweight batteries from China. Heyho you now have enough battery power to stay out all weekend. Come on NiteSite do something for the original buyers of your units, yes
  10. How sensible, never gave this a thought before. Always take my mobile (there was a post a while ago about registering your mobile with the emergency services, well worth searching it out).
  11. As long as its not laying in the mouth ot the burrow just wait because if you killed it with a head shot there will be no contamination of the meat.
  12. Oh how i wish i still had mine, although it was that long ago it would have pobably have gone to the playground in the sky. They have the most beautiful face.
  13. Scramble so true (so wise for one so young), i am affraid that Antoni has had his and fell at first hurdle.
  14. Being pestered by Vista cards, but their selection for the hunter is rubbish. Has anybody got a company that has a good selection?
  15. It's as everybody has said, it's just a case of knowing your permission better than ever before. Also it's also a case of knowing target sizes in relation with your scopes magnification. Then it's easy hahaha.
  16. If you need help with the rats, you can contact me if you need help.
  17. Either the clubs chairperson, green keeper or club captain. But be prepared to have to wait for an answer as it may have to go infront of the board because i don't think any one person can make the decisions. Good luck anyhow.
  18. It's never a nice sight is it, a rabbit with mixi. You did the right thing by putting an end to it's suffering, i think you might struggling getting the kids to eat them.
  19. Davy for no no no change of thought. Was going to suggest Davy for a Knighthood for all of the good deeds that he has been doing, but i have had a better idea. Davy for POPE, anybody second the idea, we will have to act fast because the conclave are starting to assemble.
  20. Getting to big to miss lol. There has got to be more of them, maybe not the same size.
  21. Well i am having to go to Merthyr Tydfil on Sunday to pick up my son who has been down there for a week with his girl-friend. So i have a dilemma, i would like to see if there was any difference between an English rabbit and a Welsh rabit?
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