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About porkycrook

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 17/09/1957

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oxford, City of dreaming spires.
  • Interests
    Air rifle hunting, course fishing.

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    porky crook

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904 profile views
  1. Beautiful. I could watch this natural hunting all day.
  2. The instructions on how to do it is right. If you don't want to phone them then that is your choice, but I do it on both of my permissions (one can be seen from train line, the other is near a road) because there will be the one occasion that the public reports this man with a gun. So the choice is yours young man.
  3. Before anybody gives you advice it would be better if you could put up some photographs of the cracks, but without seeing the crack if no damage I would think that it will be repairable.
  4. If there is one man I wouldn't like to argue with is you Simon.
  5. I just want people to talk to and love me, do you love me Davy?
  6. This is what happens when people keep doubting his word or his shooting abilities. It ends up wearing on your nerves if the same people keep calling into doubt what you have said or have done. So after a long time Si has decided to get away from it all, and as Davy has said he is also busy on VHTV.
  7. Bugger I have just purchased one, not pleased now.
  8. There is normally some on Evil-bay.
  9. How can it be for both calibers also why buy it today only to sell it the same day?..
  10. We'll in the month away you don't seem to have forgot how to aim and squeeze the trigger. Hope you are better now.
  11. Blinking hell Essex to Yorkshire shows that for the right deal it's worth travelling.
  12. For rats anything is ok, 177, 20, 22, 25, stick or boot.
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