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James Anthony Bateman

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About James Anthony Bateman

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/07/1979

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  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    near hull
  • Interests
    air rifle hunting snareing fishing dj ing keeping fit
  1. you really dont know what you are missing,its a meat I never tire of dont eat it enough mind but always use what I catch,try substituteing chicken with rabbit in a curry its spot on,it lends itself to all kinds of recipies i used to love it stoped eating it in me teens cant bring me sen to eat it shame i love the gym injured me shoulder a year ago just geting back in to it free meat would be a bounus for me if i had it cooked for me once i would be right thursday me mams gona go it for me cooked it once the smell put me off i get anough game a week its madness giving it away
  2. Hi rob its a cloth tape bud but not the one that sticks to its self it has a sticky back on it but dont know what the name of the camo is bud as its sold loose and not in a packet the tape cost £6.95 a roll and took three rolls to compleat it there is that meny kinds of camo to choose from and that was the one i liked hope this helps bud atvbmac could i ask were you got the tape looks great
  3. im going to button my hw pistion with derlin im just wondering if any one has done this and could give me advice on the best glue to use the size i should get the buttons made to ect any help would be great
  4. i dont eat any thing i shoot used to love rabbit as a kid used to eat it at every week since i have got back in to shooting cant bring me self to eat it me rabbits go to me mam she has a few a week rest go to her freinds pidgens go to me grandad he likes rabbit but he breeds em to eat old school game keeper hunter wont eat wild ones i need to stop beeing a tart and get in to eating rabbit nothing goes to waist unless mixy then i leve it for the fox
  5. i feel like i have caused a lot of bad blood with members about my post when i said runners i ment they get ten foot and die i was doing heart shots when i got started im gona lend a cam this week and post a vid showing u me shooting at targets just to show i can hit the mark
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