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Everything posted by treadmilljohn

  1. got 4 matching bridgestones nearly new buy or swap
  2. hi pal treid to ring pm you no answer was interested big dog sent my num live near notts
  3. no wear one is 600 dont see 350 any more all ways wont back suspension or problems
  4. swindal told me im hopping our lasses car gune then ill sell you subaru
  5. whot problem ive got 2 i youse one other i bought while her car in garge been repaired trying to find car for her been offered silly money for it very tidy you cant find you lad who sellt justy
  6. wear in donny are you pal might be able to help
  7. daz swindal got 2 lives Bentley forrester and 02 legacey
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