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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. Did exactly the same wouldnt have traded it for the world
  2. I don’t dispute your point there is no real community like before however one of the girls fathers reported it to the police and tried intervening and was arrested for racism go figure
  3. You are correct hence why so many holiday illnesses you relax and it gets a hold
  4. Had my last drink for a very long time I’ll not miss it
  5. Have a look at bpc 157 Its amazing stuff
  6. Rentokill drove through an hour earlier with vans back door flapping loose
  7. Flat out with rats and mice long may it run
  8. Cracking van is the caddy i ran partners into the ground for years but the new ones are shit
  9. Always trapped with a lurched by my side now have a terrier steep learning curve
  10. I had this same issue i would drop everything whenever asked to look after my lad and she used me to do it i had him every weekend when it suited her but then when it didn’t she tried to stop my contact i went and saw a solicitor for free for thirty minutes who told me the world has changed and courts view dads that do the right thing very favourably and if you have access it cannot be taken away He even said if I wanted full custody I could get it do the same it cost me 500 quid to have my shared access to mybson he lives with me one week her the othe
  11. Did use them years ago and they were helpful
  12. A clean up will cost more than 12 grand per person i agree let’s target the dealers but as seen yesterday open borders makes that very hard all the smack is controlled by Pakistani ,Albanians etc
  13. And I guarantee it saves far more than 12 grand per year cuts crime and police time long over due heroin was originally available on prescription
  14. And I guarantee it saves far more than 12 grand per year cuts crime and police time long over due heroin was originally available on prescription
  15. I never really stop doing moles it slows a bit mid summer but as of two weeks ago I’ve been struggling to get it all done lots of new jobs coming in flat out long may it continue so
  16. What traps us he using that doesn’t fecking kill moles all of mine are instant kill where is he relocating and is he aware that under the wildlife and countryside act he is causing undue suffering in relocating cowboy
  17. Ukputangesupplies apparently have some on the way
  18. Hornets are in full effect now the wasps have gone quiet
  19. I love it but it does get blocked sometimes and does drop powder from the connector sometimes bit not having to. Set up ladders all the time is a huge bonus
  20. Just back from the drs im onanti biotics for lymes caught it early wierdly did a job last week for a guy who had it for a few years his best mate is head of some organisation that is to do with deer culling in the uk and told him they are restricted as to how many they can shoot or cull by the eu no wonder we are over run with the fecking things again
  21. Not after I’ve sprayed them
  22. A lot of the dolichovespula nests im treating are full of queens like they’re making up for lost time
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