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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. The equaliser 2 cheesey but entertaining denzils no Edward Woodward mind
  2. Rock and rolla was ok the layer cake is far better
  3. Let’s hope it was treated with ficam d prior to that
  4. I spoke to a haulier recently who told me UK lorry drivers aren’t allowed to pick up new loads in Europe once they’ve dropped off whereas Eu drivers are allowed to do that here they have to use toll roads in the Eu and pay road tax each time they cross over dont know how true that is
  5. “The cult of flatpack” their new putange work but they aren’t the same different material not as strong Of the ten I bought three wouldn’t close properly after using making them not fit for purpose imho to each their own i know lots of guys who’ve sent their barrels back too the quality isnt the Same as it was abd at £6 a barrel ,with traps getting stolen at the rate they do I’m not Spending that
  6. You can’t get the boxed and signed one for £60 i hung onto them all bought a pony
  7. Having handled both traps they aren’t the same animal flatpacks are weaker you can open them by hand I’ll stick with the copper ones you do get what you pay for
  8. I have heard exactly this time and time again from police and ex police its mental how it just seems to carry on unquestioned
  9. I’d prefer a higher killing/chinning bar It has potential to be a great trap
  10. Bee gone go country wide their fees are quite eye watering yet they are very busy i quoted to remove a job they quoted I was genuinely about 5% of their quote
  11. Just came to post the same thing looks like a lynx to me apparently more pics to follow
  12. Nice to see you back @mackem
  13. I’m a full time pest controller I’ve been told anything to do with food production and livestock means provided I observe the rules I can carry on a keeper is non essential as it’s neither livestock or food production thanks for your enlightening input
  14. If the fox is endangering livestock it’s essential
  15. Apple is the best bait with a bit of aniseed licorice all sort also do well these are great traps I use them all the time no neophobia
  16. Nothing wrong in earning a few quid but if you are earning money off the back of people’s suffering purely to earn money then you are a c**t and I think that’s the case here i might be wrong but I’ve watched him constantly earn money out Hatred he’s reinvented himself several times like i say I agree with a lot of what he says that doesn’t mean I agree with his motives
  17. Interesting how it happened to him seems too unlikely who knows i don’t like him ,I think he’s a charlatan but I don’t dispute a lot of what he says i think it would be better said by someone else
  18. I’ve looked into it they are here and spreading spoke to a few french pesties for advice
  19. Lad I trained Jiu jitsu with one of the nicest lads in the world good looking incredibly talented artist took jiu jitsu belt and hung himself of the bannisters never got my head around that one still haunts me to this day if you understood why people did it you’d be doing it yourself
  20. Wire brush but if they still work don’t bothered
  21. Year before last was mental for wasps and we had a very warm spell followed by a cold snap theyll be back
  22. Iran have been provoking for years benghazi was this generals orders the embassy storming was his orders Syrian attrocities his orders he can no longer give such retarded orders iran would do well to shut up and go back to what they do best oppression of it’s citizens
  23. This^^^^^^ find the main run permanent set putange trap there jobs a goodun
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