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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. i nly used dufus previously talpex are always my first choice these days
  2. Don't they flash though alerting whoever you're trying catch out ?
  3. I've only ever cut the breat off and cooked like steaks Was lovely
  4. Must admit I was duffus through and through until I had one mole on very loamy loose soil that led me a dance Switched to talpex and caught him and hundreds more since I like a duffus in the right spot but primarily use talpex now
  5. ive changed a moles run too accomodate a trap better and still caught him in there so not so sure about the memory
  6. I use rubber tarmacing type gloves thin enough to have some feel put cut and excrement protective
  7. arborwear is where i got mine at about that price great pair of boots
  8. its definitley not too much to charge here in the south i will let some customers haggle and have bartered as well!!
  9. Lol probably I want to see how I get on with them first
  10. At that level everyone's using
  11. I've just got someone to bring me two of these traps back from France They look like a good bit of kit tbh
  12. The garden was about an acre and there were in excess of a hundred hills The guy had left it for months hoping it would all just go away !! It was an out of the way job I didn't want to do so I flushed it out and caught the mole overnight Job done
  13. Never watch it It's lies n shit f**k them
  14. Jesus that's freaky I would speak to the cops
  15. oh well it was one mole i wanted to guarentee i would catch him and i did im happy customer was happy
  16. one mole it was roughly an hour so im not the fast trapper you thnk it was a mess of a lawn the mole had been active for ages
  17. did a huge garden job a few weeks back put down about twenty trps in an hour dont want too many more like that!!
  18. fieldcrafters ll round knife i use it for work a lot as a gardener i also use it a lot out hunting great little knife
  19. He's a cracking looking dog Mine was soft as butter at that age
  20. tilimangro


    im pretty sure they can make you pay now only advice i can give is if you ar ethe father then come t an agreement ith the mother that doesnt involve the csa they will financially rape you cnuts
  21. I it's your first dog you're probably pushing it too much It's human nature It's probably still a pup Enjoy it and have fun
  22. People who think it's ok to point fire arms at people will do it again How do you know this is first time they will have been reported for it The police will take it very seriously if there's even a whiff of previous They sound like total messers ,chances are they've done something similar before
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