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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. I can't get behind the Tories I would vote ukip but they don't seem to know what they're doing Fed up with the state of this country
  2. Sadly I think the french will wobble at the last minute and she will lose People need to ask themselves why people like penn and Wilders are as popular as they are
  3. Where spain and France Muslim countries originally or because they were invaded and rhen they overthrew the Muslims Your straw man arguements make you a troll and a no mark axum
  4. Had a similar experience after gps told me I had arthritis and get used to it Saw a guy who trained at st Mary's in twickenham And was soon training again
  5. Stretching and mobility exercises are your friend
  6. See it quite a lot on the Facebook molecatchers pages
  7. See it quite a lot on the Facebook molecatchers pages
  8. It's newbies who aren't pro or full time catchers asking how to catch how much to charge etc Been several cases on these hrpups of guys in the same area being under cut by hobbyist trappers I think some stuff you have to work out yourself If people ask for specific advice when stuck I'm happy to help out But I'm not happy to help amateurs put me out of business Call me old fashioned
  9. @earth-thrower I know which ones you're talking about and you have to wonder at why the people are doing it It's not out of the goodness of their heart Daily questions from newly set up molers on how much to charge and how to catch
  10. Women are forced to wear it the world over including this country Axum
  11. You basically want a gun rack in your van?
  12. I believe he's saying that and I've seen maajid na wax comment that a lot of Muslims do not think for themselves and blindly follow outdated tenets It's worth watching this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bGLuEhAkpaI# Islam if it wants to stay needs to become more up to date Christians had the enlightenment and came out of the dark ages Islam still has some practices that don't jell with our society The very fact men and women cannot pray together should be enough to see it doesn't fit into our society I'm not anti it but I do believe it needs to change The misogyny and the abhorrent pr
  13. @desertbred are there any laws you can think of in this country that would stop a Muslim following their faith?
  14. So Martin had no hand in the death of children either ???
  15. Anyone can be a terrorist in their own country If you fight against the government or those in power using terror you are a terrorist Perhaps it's you that should give your head a shake Castro was before he overthrew the government a terrorist Mandela was a terrorist The clue is in the word Terror
  16. Anyone can be a terrorist in their own country If you fight against the government or those in power using terror you are a terrorist Perhaps it's you that should give your head a shake
  17. With all due respect mate, nobody has a polite chat about a rat or a mad dog.........they just blow its brain out.It's the moderate muslims we need "have a polite chat" withDid you read the bit about taking a harder line with known extremist or just skip that bit
  18. No one suggesting tossing bodies into ovens What people are suggesting is taking a harder line with known extremists And having open debate about how to bring Islam into the present instead of being the misogynistic medieval theology it is with out people shutting down debate mentioning the holocaust etc I know several muslims very well they say the mosques should be bulldozed and start again as they've become radical melting pots Remember the Finsbury Park mosque and how that was allowed to carry on Hard line islamism has nothing to offer the west and its folly to think it does
  19. absolite bull shit Two wrongs don't make a right By your logic it's now ok for vigilantism against all muslims f***ing apologist bullshit
  20. If thentriggers pinging out Rough them up with sandpaper or leave them wet for a few days to get a key on them
  21. We had the period know as the enlightenment They're still waiting
  22. Labelling Wilders as a facist isn't either factually correct or helpful He's a nationalist There were lots of fascists a long time ago who did very bad things Wilders wants to stop islamism And mass immigration Emotive language like facist and nazi is neither helpful or correct
  23. You have to wonder at the hygiene of people who's condoms are filled with maggots
  24. Paul McCartney is one of the most disliked celebs by his peers Not many stars like him Ringo starrs another one total nob I've met a fair few in a previous career and those two towered above the other in non head d ness
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