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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. Yes why is homosexuality bad because there's a link between it and paedos When it follow by your batbshit logic there's a link between paedos and hetero sex Surely they're both then bad You seem to only want to condemn the homosexual acts
  2. So who defines natural Since homosexuality was practiced and observed long before biblical times and we didn't die out as a race how is it not "natural"
  3. No I'm not backtracking at all Answer my question If there is a link between homosexuality and heterosexuality (there's not) why are you only singling homosexuality out as the "bad " one
  4. I said it's 14 because that's what I read How about answering some of my questions instead of ducking them all the time I also said when you asked me if they made it a law that it was legal at 14!would it bother me No I was sexually active at that age As I'm sure a lot of people were
  5. No I believe it's 14 for boys and 16 for girls. That's my point it should be across the board same for all If I'm wrong I apologise but that's what I was always told I think anyone would have to question an older man wanting sex with adolescents of that age but of roughly the same age they should be allowed consensually to have sex
  6. @francie since you claim their is a link between homosexuality and paedofilia because two thirds of its men on boys Is there a link between heterosexuality and paedofilia because one third of it is men and girls?????
  7. I have googled it They're wrong I can provide statistics from any number of sources and they'll all differ Lol gods law Says it all
  8. Currently, the age of consent for penetrative sex, oral sex and mutual masturbation in the United Kingdom is 14 years. If any individual has sex with someone under this age, then he or she may be charged with a criminal offence and may receive a 2-year prison sentence Wikipeadia It's worth pointing out to you Francine Rape has very little to do with sex and is all about power and abuse Sex is what occurs between two consenting adults There's zero f***ing link between homosexuality and paedos Otherwise there would also be a link between it and heterosexuality
  9. Your statistics are way offim saying it's about consent and if two 14 year olds want to safely experiment they should be allowed to I think the fact your brother is gay explains a lot about your issues And the you say people should wait but you didn't and that's your dads fault
  10. It is for heterosexual so why should homosexual differ Providing it's consensual what does it matter What age were you when you started jacking off Did you wait till the day you turned 16 You're obsessed with the homosexual side of it Consensual sex between two people of legal age is awesome regardless of gender Sex is enjoyable not something to be ashamed of
  11. The line is drawn with consent I fail to see why you cannot grasp that
  12. It doesn't matter if they're born that way or not Homosexuals as a rule do not rape children Both you and wilf seem to be saying homosexuality and paedofilia are similar they're not For a long time it was illegal to be gay and people hid it and didn't engage in it Peados don't they rape kids who have no say in it This isn't the thin end of the wedge this is about consent
  13. because one is consensual and the other is rape What part of that don't you understand Or is rape natural too
  14. Ask any homosexual They are born that way Conversely were you not born heterosexual? Or did someone turn you or are you of the ilk that believe being gay is just another level of depravity Nonces are created Usually by being abused themselves or utterly shit childhoods In roman times there was no Hetero or homosexuality just sex between consenting adults Just because a thing isn't to your taste doesn't make it Unnatural They've always played a role in society You still aren't making the distinction between rape and consent I agree to some extent a line in the sand needs to be drawn
  15. What is wrong with homosexuality wilf Please explain why it is wrong?
  16. Indeed it's your opinion and one you're entitled to If you can't see the difference between two males agreeing to sex with each other because they both enjoy that sex to a child being raped I can't be bothered to try to enlighten you Think about at what age you first felt sexual desires It wasn't at four or eight or possible even 11 Paedofiles very rarely target 14 to 16 years olds and even then it's rape It's non consensual
  17. consensual sex It's allowed at 14 heterosexually If you wish to stop consenting adults doing something it speaks volumes Again the key word here is consenting
  18. Absolute rubbish What goes on between consenting adults is fine The keywords there are consenting adults
  19. Don't know It was something to do with the election I read that and now can't find it
  20. Opened fire on crowds watching electoral candidates If this doesn't give le penn the ammunition she needs nothing will
  21. Isnt article 50 triggered and no turning back now?
  22. Yellow man is your footage of a black cat running away from your trail cam??
  23. I've told these before In the nineties near guildford walking two lurchers Through a wood turn a corner into a sort of glade and startle a lynx sunning itself It fecks off rapid and the two dogs go mental About three years ago walking in forestry commission near haslemere with my young lad on my shoulders a BIG black cat runs across the path about twenty feet in front of me I turned and practically ran back to the van I reported that one and was told of several other sightings of it They are there no doubt in my mind
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