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Everything posted by tilimangro

  1. I'm quite happy to tell on terorrsists I have no issue what so ever there
  2. Poor brave guy What a true hero My heart goes out to his family
  3. spars still plentiful Also seen hen harriers Marlins I've seen one and a few shrikes Kestrels have really dwindled in numbers Buzzards and kites everywhere See a few peregrines and hobbys There's been a few goshawk releases but I know for a fact pigeon fanciers put paid to them ever breeding
  4. Have a look in laterooms .com Worthing or near by Or last minute .com
  5. Brighton and sensible price don't seem to go hand in hand Look next door in Shoreham or lewes
  6. Buzzards are notorious for flopping on the grass and eating worms when used a sfalconry birds
  7. Yes it was longer but that's definitely hovering
  8. That's exactly what I saw Never seen a buzzard do it before For such a large birds it's very impressive
  9. Thermals play no part in hovering mate That's soaring It's pure the birds energy in hovering
  10. Do you mean soaring as hovering takes up a lot of effort surely mate??
  11. I wasn't aware they could do it till I saw it It's actually pretty impressive for such a large bird Wonder if it's learned behaviour
  12. Saw a buzzard on an embankment attempting to hover like a kestrel before dropping down onto something It was a bizarre sight We re flooded with buzzards and kites here too See more buzzards than pigeonn lol
  13. Awesome stuff mate Wish I'd had a dad like you when I was a nipper Had to teach myself
  14. She is the worst thing to ever happen to mole trapping I had a few phone conversations with her and she was the rudest most arrogant woman I've ever met
  15. http://www.ukputangesupplies.co.uk/
  16. Used to nightline for eels when they weren't struggling Big rock heavy twine trace with good load of worms Never failed
  17. Do you know what I've stopped sharing stuff like this via social media People aren't interested I've fallen out with so many people over it People don't want to believe they're wrong about it They'd rather bury their heads in the sand till the bitter end And it really will be a bitter end
  18. Thought Chris probably had the greatest voice for decades It's apparently suicide Tragic
  19. There s no way out of This as far as I can see without civil unrest
  20. Good to see you back at it mate I'll get one of you st some point
  21. I know a lad that went out there to do it for one season Paid off some heavy debts
  22. I invented the Rasta plaster basically a brown plaster for brown people because all plasters are pink ....still not got round to making it a reality you better not steal it loli invented Rastafarian pot noodlesRasta pasta Likewise still not got around to doing it either ???
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